vers. 15 Feb 2024 - beta

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Band Mode Min
 CallsignDXFlagsStart TimeBandMode 
AM175DD IZ4JMA Spain - Italy 14:4217MFT4 
SP4NKU RP79PM Poland - European Russia 14:4240MFT8 
A61QQ 9M2DBY United Arab Emirates - West Malaysia 14:4117mFT8 
AM775AT YC1JJS Spain - Indonesia 14:4115mFT4 
R4IQ RP79P European Russia - European Russia 14:4140MCW 
HB9VKL I1VPJ Switzerland - Italy 14:4140mFT8 
ON5UN M0HAO Belgium - England 14:412mFT8 
PA9S YB7CCP Netherlands - Indonesia 14:4112mFT8 
RV9UAF BG4UVR Asiatic Russia - China 14:4130MFT8 
UA6HGM CS2GPDX European Russia - Portugal 14:4110MFT8 
MM7NSY F4IZV Scotland - France 14:4120mFT4 
DK6MR DB4VI Fed. Republic of Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:4140mFT8 
R5GG UB4HPQ European Russia - European Russia 14:4140MFT8 
PD2PE EA2CNL Netherlands - Spain 14:4120mFT4 
AM175DD IZ8FGH Spain - Italy 14:4117MFT4 
R0AJS RN3N Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:4120MFT4 
W9RSM PW8BR United States - Brazil 14:4015mFT8 
EA5D RP79KZG Spain - European Russia 14:4020mFT8 
YC1IVW OH6B Indonesia - Finland 14:4010mFT8 
OZ1PGB VU2DBM Denmark - India 14:4015mFT8 
R3XAR RP79ML European Russia - European Russia 14:4030mFT8 
F6EQZ YB7LXI France - Indonesia 14:4010mFT8 
BG2DXK BH9CA China - China 14:4040mFT8 
WZ0X N4EL United States - United States 14:4020mFT8 
HZ1MW A41NN Saudi Arabia - Oman 14:4020mUSB 
BH4BNQ DS1TQX China - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 14:4040mFT8 
S57DD TA2BZ Slovenia - Turkey 14:4020mFT8 
OZ1KQJ A52CI Denmark - Bhutan 14:4012mFT8 
BA1PK RP79J China - European Russia 14:4017mFT8 
RV4LD EV79M European Russia - Belarus 14:4030MFT8 
R0AJS OE6OCG Asiatic Russia - Austria 14:4020MFT4 
ON5UN F5UMP Belgium - France 14:402mFT8 
AM775AT UW8SM Spain - Ukraine 14:4015mFT4 
UB4CKT RP79TA European Russia - European Russia 14:4040MSSB 
RA9UIP RP79H Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:4020MSSB 
R7NA 3D2CCC European Russia - Conway Reef 14:4030MFT8 
R4IQ RP79KF European Russia - European Russia 14:4040MCW 
UA3DJ RP79IZ European Russia - European Russia 14:4040MSSB 
JK1NPZ UA0LQE Japan - Asiatic Russia 14:3940mFT8 
ON2BCB RP79I Belgium - European Russia 14:3917mFT8 
ZS6CVL UT4TA Republic of South Africa - Ukraine 14:3910mFT8 
V85NPV UA3AHA Brunei - European Russia 14:3917mUSB 
CE3SOC EA3ISZ Chile - Spain 14:3910mFT8 
PP5TG EA3EQ Brazil - Spain 14:3910mFT8 
I2RNJ OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 14:3920mFT8 
ZS1IB RA4LDT Republic of South Africa - European Russia 14:3910mFT8 
ZS2EZ OJ0T Republic of South Africa - Market Reef 14:3915MFT8 
M7FGZ F5JDM England - France 14:3940mFT8 
OZ1KQJ A52CI Denmark - Bhutan 14:3912mFT8 
JG1TSG YC3BWK Japan - Indonesia 14:396mFT8 
I1PUN I1ZDW Italy - Italy 14:3910mFT8 
PA3HIJ YB4KAR Netherlands - Indonesia 14:3912mFT8 
IK8BQE OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 14:3920mFT8 
EI3CTB E77EA Ireland - Bosnia-Herzegovina 14:3917mFT8 
BH1CSF 3D2CCC China - Fiji 14:3917mFT8 
SV2BRA OJ0T Greece - Market Reef 14:3915mFT8 
AM175DD UR5TFT Spain - Ukraine 14:3917MFT4 
AM775AT R7RAE Spain - European Russia 14:3915mFT4 
UA3SCF RP79NP European Russia - European Russia 14:3940MSSB 
UA0JCG R0AJS Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:3920MFT4 
R0AJS UA0JCG Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:3920MFT4 
BG2ATH RP79ZM China - European Russia 14:3920mFT8 
RX9WM RP79NV Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:3940MFT8 
N4DLT KQ4EXO United States - United States 14:3920mFT8 
IU0KNS DK1MBY Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3840mFT8 
JK1NPZ BI6NGS Japan - China 14:3840mFT8 
SV1EKI F4IUD Greece - France 14:3817mFT8 
V85NPV EA3DIX Brunei - Spain 14:3817mUSB 
F8HJV RU0LL France - Asiatic Russia 14:3817mFT8 
YC1IVW HB9BTI Indonesia - Switzerland 14:3810mFT8 
HZ1MW 7Z1GC Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia 14:3820mUSB 
F4LHE EA4T France - Spain 14:3813cmFT4 
CX6CAU LS3D Uruguay - Argentina 14:3815MFT8 
F4FSY AO775AH France - Spain 14:3820mFT8 
AM775AT IZ7DOZ Spain - Italy 14:3815mFT4 
LA3HM DD4MN Norway - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3820MFT8 
UB4CKT RP79IZ European Russia - European Russia 14:3840MSSB 
AM175DD YO8RSL Spain - Romania 14:3817MFT4 
YO8RSL AM175DD Romania - Spain 14:3817mFT4 
N0RC N5WS United States - United States 14:386mFT8 
AM175DD OK1HEH Spain - Czech Republic 14:3817MFT4 
RZ4LC CX1AAX European Russia - Uruguay 14:3810MFT8 
UA3QUP RV9YP European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:3820MSSB 
HA3LI RP79PW Hungary - Asiatic Russia 14:3820MSSB 
UB4CKT RP79SG European Russia - European Russia 14:3840MSSB 
R0AJS PD2PE Asiatic Russia - Netherlands 14:3820MFT4 
UA3DJ RP79RT European Russia - European Russia 14:3840MCW 
2E0HKM VO1CAL England - Canada 14:3715mUSB 
HA8DG R9TA Hungary - Asiatic Russia 14:3720mJT65 
OH6IH RP79MF Finland - European Russia 14:3720mFT4 
JK1NPZ YC9RHV Japan - Indonesia 14:3740mFT8 
LA7DMA ZF2OO Norway - Cayman Islands 14:3717mFT8 
ZS6CVL R3GV Republic of South Africa - European Russia 14:3710mFT8 
V85NPV RK3DQE Brunei - European Russia 14:3717mUSB 
A61QQ JK1HMW United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:3717mFT8 
SQ1SDX F4FHM/QRP Poland - France 14:3730mFT8 
M0XXJ G3WCD England - England 14:3760mUSB 
DK5OPA YO4NT Fed. Republic of Germany - Romania 14:3717mFT8 
EA5IHM YU7OTT Spain - Serbia 14:3715mFT8 
F4ILK TM17IO France - France 14:3740mLSB 
ZS5HR KB7RUQ Republic of South Africa - United States 14:3720mFT8 
F6EQZ YC4AEW France - Indonesia 14:3710mFT8 
S56GD YC7AAE Slovenia - Indonesia 14:3710mFT8 
CE3SOC PD5DJ Chile - Netherlands 14:3710mFT8 
PD2PE R0AJS Netherlands - Asiatic Russia 14:3720mFT4 
SV8NAJ PD0JSB Greece - Netherlands 14:3720mFT4 
MM7NSY F1SPK Scotland - France 14:3720mFT4 
WZ0X N4FJB United States - United States 14:3720mFT8 
IK1DFH IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:3740mSSB 
RA4ACX XU7GNY European Russia - Cambodia 14:3715MFT8 
R7NA FK8HM European Russia - New Caledonia 14:3730MFT8 
RV4LD RA6YDX European Russia - European Russia 14:3730MFT8 
AM175DD LZ4UA Spain - Bulgaria 14:3717MFT4 
F5MXH RP79DD France - European Russia 14:3712MFT8 
RN3QOO RP79H European Russia - European Russia 14:3720MSSB 
UA6HGM YC1FT European Russia - Indonesia 14:3710MFT8 
N4DLT AD0AA United States - United States 14:3720mFT8 
DK6WH XU7GNY Fed. Republic of Germany - Cambodia 14:3610mFT8 
F1NSK DU3CQ France - Philippines 14:3610mFT8 
F6BTP DL6YN France - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3640mFT8 
F1PFU DM2OS France - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3630mFT8 
F1DXP UT9LB France - Ukraine 14:3617mFT8 
F4LHE DG5EM France - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3613cmFT4 
YC4AEW F6EQZ Indonesia - France 14:3610mFT8 
BG2DXK YB1BA China - Indonesia 14:3640mFT8 
HB9VKL IZ5GSF Switzerland - Italy 14:3640mFT8 
ZS1IB JT1CO Republic of South Africa - Mongolia 14:3610mFT8 
SY2APF W2CS Greece - United States 14:3615mFT8 
HF5A YB0AOM Poland - Indonesia 14:3615mFT8 
F8HJV US2YW France - Ukraine 14:3617mFT8 
K5UHF K5DN United States - United States 14:3620mFT8 
IW0EYT OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 14:3617mFT8 
BD8CNL RP79IZ China - European Russia 14:3620mFT8 
PD2PE UI6A Netherlands - European Russia 14:3620mFT4 
BA1PK RP79ML China - European Russia 14:3615mFT8 
YC4AEW EA7BD Indonesia - Spain 14:3610mFT8 
BH4QJE BI6NGS China - China 14:3640mFT8 
M7FGZ IW4APB England - Italy 14:3640mFT8 
MM7NSY EA1ELV Scotland - Spain 14:3620mFT4 
SV8NAJ OE6OCG Greece - Austria 14:3620mFT4 
MM3NDH G4ITR Scotland - England 14:366mFT8 
RN5AA RP79SE European Russia - European Russia 14:3640MFT8 
RV4LD UB8QBI European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:3630MFT8 
AM175DD W9CA Spain - United States 14:3617MFT4 
R0AJS DL1RLB Asiatic Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3620MFT4 
RV4LD RP79ML European Russia - European Russia 14:3630MFT8 
F4SNF F8DWH France - France 14:3612mFT8 
RZ4LC YC1FYL European Russia - Indonesia 14:3610MFT8 
RM3DA VK6KC European Russia - Australia 14:3620MFT8 
S56GD YF7RDM Slovenia - Indonesia 14:3510mFT8 
GM4ATA UT1UW Scotland - Ukraine 14:3515mCW 
EI3CTB RP79ML Ireland - European Russia 14:3517mFT8 
EA1GKZ A52CI Spain - Bhutan 14:3512mFT8 
ZS6CVL YO9BLY Republic of South Africa - Romania 14:3510mFT8 
IK8NTR SQ6KXY Italy - Poland 14:3520mFT8 
A61QQ JH7HWR United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:3517mFT8 
F8BON YC1IVW France - Indonesia 14:3510mFT8 
V85NPV M0AID Brunei - England 14:3517mUSB 
VU3TBU VU2FGD India - India 14:3540mLSB 
IK2YXP ZF2OO Italy - Cayman Islands 14:3517mFT8 
HB9TIH 7Q7CT Switzerland - Malawi 14:3510mFT8 
EA5D RP79AF Spain - European Russia 14:3520mFT8 
F5LMJ EA4IQ France - Spain 14:3520mFT4 
PU5IKE/QRP LZ1ST Brazil - Bulgaria 14:3512MFT8 
A61QQ JL1XMN United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:3517mFT8 
F8HJV LZ/US0KW France - Bulgaria 14:3517mFT8 
YC1IVW F8BON Indonesia - France 14:3510mFT8 
VU3TPW IK5SRF India - Italy 14:3515mUSB 
SQ1SDX GB2CQD Poland - England 14:3530mFT8 
BH4BNQ BG5IZL China - China 14:3540mFT8 
F8DWH F4SNF France - France 14:3512MFT8 
BD8CNL RP79ZKS China - European Russia 14:3520mFT8 
IU8RRM 4X5LL Italy - Israel 14:3520mUSB 
VU3TBU VU2JOS India - India 14:3540mLSB 
BG2IHF JN4THO China - Japan 14:3540mFT8 
SQ5WK LU6EEB Poland - Argentina 14:3510mFT8 
VU3WAW EA7JHC India - Spain 14:3510MFT8 
YC4AEW OZ1BUR Indonesia - Denmark 14:3510mFT8 
RN3QOO RP79D European Russia - European Russia 14:3540MSSB 
YB7UFI HG3FMZ Indonesia - Hungary 14:3512mFT4 
CE3SOC DO7UWE Chile - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3510mFT8 
PA3WB CE8MGZ Netherlands - Chile 14:3510mUSB 
R7NA XU7GNY European Russia - Cambodia 14:3530MFT8 
MM7NSY OE6OCG Scotland - Austria 14:3520mFT4 
F6ISI RU3DUA France - European Russia 14:3515mFT8 
SP2EWQ AM775R Poland - Spain 14:3517mFT8 
R4FDD YD2CIO European Russia - Indonesia 14:3510MFT8 
UA0JCG RP79IZ Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:3520MFT8 
UA3DJ RV1CC/M European Russia - European Russia 14:3540MCW 
R0AJS R8LCM/M Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:3520MFT4 
F6BTP II4SEAS France - Italy 14:3440mFT8 
DL1SGH YF4SDF Fed. Republic of Germany - Indonesia 14:3415mFT4 
HZ1MW HZ1LB Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia 14:3420mUSB 
BH7MYN 7Q7JN China - Malawi 14:3410mFT8 
PT2AP OJ0T Brazil - Market Reef 14:3415mFT8 
V85NPV SP5IXS Brunei - Poland 14:3417mUSB 
PU5IKE/QRP LZ1ST Brazil - Bulgaria 14:3412MFT8 
DK6MR DL6YN Fed. Republic of Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3440mFT8 
SV8NAJ DL2LN Greece - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3420mFT4 
N9YNG AA4CW United States - United States 14:3420mFT4 
R3XAR RP79SB European Russia - European Russia 14:3430mFT8 
G4BPJ OR90AL England - Belgium 14:3430mCW 
A61QQ JA5SUD United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:3417mFT8 
ZS6CVL OE150FAV Republic of South Africa - Austria 14:3410mFT8 
YB7UFI OK1HEH Indonesia - Czech Republic 14:3412mFT4 
BA1PK RP79X China - European Russia 14:3415mFT8 
PY5XT RP79SF Brazil - European Russia 14:3410MFT8 
R5GG US5IRX European Russia - Ukraine 14:3440MSSB 
F6ARS GI4SNA France - Northern Ireland 14:3420mFT4 
R0AJS OE2RPL Asiatic Russia - Austria 14:3420MFT4 
IU5KWL YO8XDE Italy - Romania 14:3440mFT8 
HA3LI RP79ZM Hungary - European Russia 14:3420MCW 
RC9F DU3CQ European Russia - Philippines 14:3410MFT8 
AC9IR KO4PZW United States - United States 14:3320mFT8 
F6EQZ YC1IVW France - Indonesia 14:3310mFT8 
EA3TB ZF2OO Spain - Cayman Islands 14:3317mFT8 
YC1IVW F6EQZ Indonesia - France 14:3310mFT8 
VU3TBU VU2REQ India - India 14:3340mLSB 
PU1JQY PD5DJ Brazil - Netherlands 14:3310mFT8 
BH4BNQ YB4FBT China - Indonesia 14:3340mFT8 
OH6FSO UR5TFT Finland - Ukraine 14:3320mFT4 
OH6IH OE2RPL Finland - Austria 14:3320mFT4 
F8DWH BD7KWU France - China 14:3312MFT8 
IU7PFX SV2HTW Italy - Greece 14:3340mFT8 
DK6MR II4SEAS Fed. Republic of Germany - Italy 14:3340mFT8 
YC4AEW F6BIA Indonesia - France 14:3310mFT8 
A61QQ BD3BVQ United Arab Emirates - China 14:3317mFT8 
HB9VKL DK1MBY Switzerland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3340mFT8 
HF5A VU2DBM Poland - India 14:3315mFT8 
SM7HZK YF4SDF Sweden - Indonesia 14:3315mFT4 
F5PZT EA7AK France - Spain 14:3320mFT4 
WZ0X NC7I United States - United States 14:3320mFT8 
YB7UFI OE3ORW Indonesia - Austria 14:3312mFT4 
EA5D LZ3TB Spain - Bulgaria 14:3320mFT8 
UT0IW VU2NKS Ukraine - India 14:3312MFT8 
RV9UAF RP79V Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:3330MFT8 
R5GG UB5MBF European Russia - European Russia 14:3340MSSB 
R0AJS RM1O/P Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:3320MFT4 
PY5XT PD5DJ Brazil - Netherlands 14:3310MFT8 
F5MXH PP5HR France - Brazil 14:3312MFT8 
F1TRF YB7KTB France - Indonesia 14:3215mFT8 
DL3GJ HB50VC Fed. Republic of Germany - Switzerland 14:3240mCW 
V85NPV F5PMW Brunei - France 14:3217mUSB 
VU3TBU VU2KDS India - India 14:3240mLSB 
PP5HR F5MXH Brazil - France 14:3210mFT8 
F1NSK ZS6EFN France - Republic of South Africa 14:3210mFT8 
EA5IHM OK1SLM Spain - Czech Republic 14:3215mFT8 
IU8RRM OT24EPIC Italy - Belgium 14:3220mUSB 
YC1IVW UR5KHZ Indonesia - Ukraine 14:3210mFT8 
OZ2BX YD1BVY Denmark - Indonesia 14:3210mFT8 
A61QQ JO2OKP United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:3217mFT8 
ZS5HR JJ1GLK Republic of South Africa - Japan 14:3220mFT8 
F8HJV LY1MG France - Lithuania 14:3217mFT8 
HB9BUN RI0POL Switzerland - Asiatic Russia 14:3220MFT8 
SV8NAJ OE3CQM Greece - Austria 14:3220mFT4 
LA3HM N4EL Norway - United States 14:3220MFT8 
F4FSY RP79AF France - European Russia 14:3220mFT8 
ON5UN DL5ZA Belgium - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:322mFT8 
HB9VKL IW4APB Switzerland - Italy 14:3240mFT8 
OK1SLM EA5IHM Czech Republic - Spain 14:3215mFT8 
IU8BPS AO175HLH Italy - Spain 14:3217mFT8 
BG2DXK YC9RHV China - Indonesia 14:3240mFT8 
YC1IVW UX2SB Indonesia - Ukraine 14:3210mFT8 
WZ0X KX9DX United States - United States 14:3220mFT8 
HA3LI RP79PR Hungary - European Russia 14:3220MCW 
RV4LD XU7GNY European Russia - Cambodia 14:3230MFT8 
SV8NAJ YB3CUG Greece - Indonesia 14:3220mFT4 
AM175DD IK3ELC Spain - Italy 14:3217MSSB 
RM3DA RP79FA European Russia - European Russia 14:3220MFT8 
R5GG RA4CW European Russia - European Russia 14:3240MSSB 
UA3SLB RP79NP European Russia - European Russia 14:3240MSSB 
R0AJS MX1SWL/A Asiatic Russia - England 14:3220MFT4 
R4FDD EA7JHC European Russia - Spain 14:3210MFT8 
YD2UUG YB4FBT Indonesia - Indonesia 14:3140mFT8 
M7COQ J43POTA England - Greece 14:3120mUSB 
K5UHF W6/UT5UF United States - United States 14:3130mFT8 
DK5OPA RP79MY Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:3117mFT8 
EA7JHC R4FDD Spain - European Russia 14:3110mFT8 
VU3TBU VU3MES India - India 14:3140mLSB 
VU3TBU VU3XYU India - India 14:3140mLSB 
CT7AMZ EA3IGC Portugal - Spain 14:3120mFT8 
G1NFT RP79GA England - European Russia 14:3115mFT8 
HF5A YD1GWX Poland - Indonesia 14:3115mFT8 
ZS1IB LZ4UA Republic of South Africa - Bulgaria 14:3117mFT4 
SP9MOC VU2DBM Poland - India 14:3115mFT8 
BG8GAM RP79J China - European Russia 14:3140mFT8 
AM775AT I1VPJ Spain - Italy 14:3130mFT8 
ZS5HR JR1FVH Republic of South Africa - Japan 14:3120mFT8 
YB7UFI A61DI Indonesia - United Arab Emirates 14:3112mFT4 
UA0JCG UK8FCM Asiatic Russia - Uzbekistan 14:3120MFT8 
UA3DJ RP79GV European Russia - European Russia 14:3140MCW 
AM175DD S51AD Spain - Slovenia 14:3117MSSB 
R5GG RN3QEI European Russia - European Russia 14:3140MSSB 
MM3NDH GM6NX Scotland - Scotland 14:316mFT8 
RV4LD RP79TG European Russia - European Russia 14:3130MFT8 
PY5XT EA5EFU Brazil - Spain 14:3110MFT8 
AM175DD SZ1AB Spain - Greece 14:3117MSSB 
SP2EWQ AO175HLH Poland - Spain 14:3117mFT8 
UA4HDB 3D2CCC European Russia - Conway Reef 14:3115MFT8 
OM1AN NM1G Slovak Republic - United States 14:3017mFT8 
GM4SUF RP79GA Scotland - European Russia 14:3015mFT8 
ZS6CVL F6GHG Republic of South Africa - France 14:3010mFT8 
CE3SOC F5IXN Chile - France 14:3010mFT8 
V85NPV RN2H Brunei - European Russia 14:3017mUSB 
M0CHE DJ0CHE England - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:3020mFT8 
IK2WRV YD1GWX Italy - Indonesia 14:3015mFT8 
YC1IVW PD0NHM Indonesia - Netherlands 14:3010mFT8 
F4CWQ SP8KAT France - Poland 14:3020mFT8 
IZ0COG T77LA Italy - San Marino 14:3010mUSB 
ON5UN DH4FR Belgium - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:302mFT8 
PD0NHM YC1IVW Netherlands - Indonesia 14:3010mFT8 
SV8NAJ M7EMH Greece - England 14:3020mFT4 
IU5KZF IZ0MQN Italy - Italy 14:3040mLSB 
PU4JLV CS7AXN Brazil - Portugal 14:3010mFT8 
A61QQ JQ2KVY United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:3017mFT8 
SP2V A52P Poland - Bhutan 14:3015mFT8 
VU3WAW EA7R India - Spain 14:3010MFT8 
F4JQH YF4SDF France - Indonesia 14:3015mFT4 
VU3TBU VU2TRX India - India 14:3040mLSB 
DO2OGK ZW30AS Fed. Republic of Germany - Brazil 14:3015mFT8 
F8HJV LZ4VR France - Bulgaria 14:3017mFT8 
F6ARS CT3MD France - Madeira Is. 14:3020mFT4 
EA5D RM1O/P Spain - European Russia 14:3020mFT4 
R5GG UA3SLB European Russia - European Russia 14:3040MSSB 
UA3SLB R5GG European Russia - European Russia 14:3040MSSB 
IK4RSR IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:3040mSSB 
WZ0X W8MRR United States - United States 14:3020mFT8 
AM175DD YO9DHU Spain - Romania 14:3017MSSB 
UA3ALE 3D2CCC European Russia - Conway Reef 14:3010MFT8 
R0AJS OZ2B Asiatic Russia - Denmark 14:3020MFT4 
SP2EWQ RP79RGA Poland - Asiatic Russia 14:3017mFT8 
R5GG UA3DNH European Russia - European Russia 14:3040MSSB 
RN5AA RP79TT European Russia - European Russia 14:3020MFT8 
I3LTT IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:3040mSSB 
EI3CTB RP79MY Ireland - European Russia 14:2917mFT8 
F4LHE OH1ZJ France - Finland 14:2913cmFT4 
DO9KW RP79X Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:2915mFT8 
IZ3NUI MW0AEL Italy - Wales 14:2920mFT4 
OH1EDK VR2ZXP Finland - Hong Kong 14:2915mFT8 
SQ5MTG D1DVA Poland - 14:2920mFT8 
EA7JHC YD1KFH Spain - Indonesia 14:2910mFT8 
GM4SUF WA2HIP Scotland - United States 14:2915mFT8 
F6BTP SQ8B France - Poland 14:2930mFT8 
VU3TBU VU3BGS India - India 14:2940mLSB 
SV1EKI EA1FRJ Greece - Spain 14:2917mFT8 
GW6CZE GS3PYE Wales - Scotland 14:2940mFT8 
ZS5HR HL2WJA Republic of South Africa - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 14:2920mFT8 
YC1IVW LY2J Indonesia - Lithuania 14:2910mFT8 
HB9BUN UR5FSP/MM Switzerland - Ukraine 14:2920MFT8 
BG8GAM R0SK China - Asiatic Russia 14:2940mFT8 
I1PUN OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 14:2917mFT8 
K9EZ ZF2OO United States - Cayman Islands 14:2917mFT8 
PD2PE EA3IGC Netherlands - Spain 14:2920mFT8 
SQ5WK CN8SSB Poland - Morocco 14:2910mFT8 
BD8CNL T77BL China - San Marino 14:2910mFT8 
JG1TSG JF1LWK Japan - Japan 14:296mFT8 
VU2TUM RP79CTS India - European Russia 14:2915mCW 
EA8TL I0XNH Canary Is. - Italy 14:2920mFT8 
ON5UN ON1AEY Belgium - Belgium 14:292mFT8 
BA1PK RP79MD China - European Russia 14:2915mFT8 
BG8GAM RP79GPF China - European Russia 14:2940mFT8 
UA3GDJ YD1GWX European Russia - Indonesia 14:2915MFT8 
R4FDD EA7GMY European Russia - Spain 14:2910MFT8 
R0AJS IK0CHU Asiatic Russia - Italy 14:2920MFT4 
AM175DD IW0DOI Spain - Italy 14:2917MSSB 
PY5XT F5IXN Brazil - France 14:2910MFT8 
RM3DA RP79ZM European Russia - European Russia 14:2920MFT8 
F4GYG OZ4ABH/P France - Denmark 14:2920mUSB 
EA8TL EB3DBR Canary Is. - Spain 14:2920mFT8 
IZ3NUI YL3AKH Italy - Latvia 14:2820mFT4 
CX6TU LU6DRN Uruguay - Argentina 14:2840mFT8 
F1TRF RP79GA France - European Russia 14:2815mFT8 
OH6IH GI4SNA Finland - Northern Ireland 14:2820mFT4 
A61QQ IU8SYJ United Arab Emirates - Italy 14:2817mFT8 
IZ4WNP IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:2840mLSB 
V85NPV G8AKL Brunei - England 14:2817mUSB 
IK8NTR DL7DJ Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:2820mFT4 
HB9VKL PD5DLB Switzerland - Netherlands 14:2840mFT8 
IU8ACV 3D2CCC Italy - Fiji 14:2815mFT8 
F6EQZ YC2CZF France - Indonesia 14:2810mFT8 
WZ0X K8OCN United States - United States 14:2820mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP F5JAE Brazil - France 14:2812MFT8 
VU3TBU VU2XPN India - India 14:2840mLSB 
AM775AT CT3HU Spain - Madeira Is. 14:2830mFT8 
IN3ADG RP79AF Italy - European Russia 14:2815mFT8 
A61QQ JA3OHY United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:2817mFT8 
YC1IVW ON7GB Indonesia - Belgium 14:2810mFT8 
HF5A BH9DWE Poland - China 14:2815mFT8 
UA3SLB RP79X European Russia - European Russia 14:2840MSSB 
R0AJS OE3CQM Asiatic Russia - Austria 14:2820MFT4 
PY5XT IW3GXW Brazil - Italy 14:2810MFT8 
R4FDD DU3CQ European Russia - Philippines 14:2810MFT8 
R0AJS RN6LRA Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:2820MFT4 
PA3GXF RP79L Netherlands - European Russia 14:2820mCW 
AM175DD OH7MFO Spain - Finland 14:2817MSSB 
BH4QJE BH4ERZ China - China 14:2740mFT8 
F1NSK 7Q6M France - Malawi 14:2710mFT8 
ON8BB XU7GNY Belgium - Cambodia 14:2717mFT8 
GM4SUF EA7GDU Scotland - Spain 14:2715mFT8 
TA9J/QRP EB5ISR Turkey - Spain 14:2710mFT8 
VU3TBU VU2OJ India - India 14:2740mLSB 
VU3TBU VU3TPW India - India 14:2740mLSB 
ZS5HR N6CFC Republic of South Africa - United States 14:2720mFT8 
VU3WAW RP79SF India - European Russia 14:2710MFT8 
IU5KZF IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:2740mLSB 
BH4BNQ RP79V China - European Russia 14:2740mFT8 
F8DWH UR9QQ France - Ukraine 14:2715MFT8 
SP5PDA TF2MSN Poland - Iceland 14:2717mFT8 
OZ9ACV YR95CC Denmark - Romania 14:2720mFT8 
BH4QJE JS2GBE China - Japan 14:2740mFT8 
F5PZT EA1FRJ France - Spain 14:2720mFT4 
F4FSY CR2GPDX France - Azores 14:2720mFT8 
F4IRP RP79RGA France - European Russia 14:2717mFT8 
R5GG R2ZJJ European Russia - European Russia 14:2740MSSB 
SP5LAG SP9ML/P Poland - Poland 14:2740mLSB 
R2BGT RP79MN European Russia - European Russia 14:2740MFT8 
HB9EFJ SP3ATB/P Switzerland - Poland 14:2740mSSB 
IK7VKC IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:2740mSSB 
R0AJS CT3MD Asiatic Russia - Madeira Is. 14:2720MFT4 
UA3SCF RP79VK European Russia - European Russia 14:2740MSSB 
RV4LD RP79TA European Russia - European Russia 14:2740MSSB 
DO7SHN RA4DAJ/M Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:2615mFT8 
DO9KW RP79KG Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:2615mFT8 
G1NFT RV3DBK England - European Russia 14:2615mFT8 
PY2NEW YO9BLY Brazil - Romania 14:2610mFT8 
F6EQZ YC7AAE France - Indonesia 14:2610mFT8 
IZ0ZAD R9YDW Italy - Asiatic Russia 14:2610mFT8 
IU7PFX HB50VC Italy - Switzerland 14:2640mCW 
F6IJT UR6HFU France - Ukraine 14:2615mFT8 
F8DWH J79WTA France - Dominica 14:2615MFT8 
F8HJV LX1HD France - Luxembourg 14:2640mFT8 
HB9VKL IK2EAG Switzerland - Italy 14:2640mFT8 
OH6FSO GI4SNA Finland - Northern Ireland 14:2620mFT4 
F4GYG SP3ATB/P France - Poland 14:2640mLSB 
AM175DD S57S Spain - Slovenia 14:2617MSSB 
R0AJS RP79GRO Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:2620MFT4 
M0CHE CT3MD England - Madeira Is. 14:2620mFT4 
R4FDD YB2UCM European Russia - Indonesia 14:2610MFT8 
AA4WX K8OCN United States - United States 14:2620mFT8 
M7FGZ SP4MPH England - Poland 14:2620mFT4 
HA7NB S54NA Hungary - Slovenia 14:2620MFT4 
RZ4LC CE3SOC European Russia - Chile 14:2610MFT8 
SP4NKU RP79RA Poland - European Russia 14:2630MFT8 
R5GG R2AJI European Russia - European Russia 14:2640MSSB 
AM175DD S52ZW Spain - Slovenia 14:2617MSSB 
IK2JTS IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:2640mSSB 
IU8AZS IQ1BK Italy - Italy 14:2540mSSB 
PP5HR IW2ETV Brazil - Italy 14:2510mFT8 
EA7JHC 7Q7JN Spain - Malawi 14:2510mFT8 
CT7AMZ M1APC Portugal - England 14:2520mFT8 
DO9KW RP79TG Fed. Republic of Germany - Asiatic Russia 14:2515mFT8 
9A4MZ BA9TX Croatia - China 14:2515mFT8 
RK9DM RV1CC/M Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:2540MCW 
F4CWQ LY2VS France - Lithuania 14:2520mFT8 
GM4SUF IK8YJU Scotland - Italy 14:2515mFT8 
VU3TBU VU2DCG India - India 14:2540mLSB 
VU3TBU VU2GMK India - India 14:2540mLSB 
YB5QZ OJ0T Indonesia - Market Reef 14:2517mFT8 
EB4GIA UR7MA Spain - Ukraine 14:2515mFT8 
OZ9ACV UR4QWW Denmark - Ukraine 14:2520mFT8 
IZ0MYH ZF2OO Italy - Cayman Islands 14:2517mFT8 
IW2CYS YD0AUJ Italy - Indonesia 14:2515mFT8 
BG1LYZ VU2DBM China - India 14:2515mFT8 
PY2NEW US2YW Brazil - Ukraine 14:2510mFT8 
F6EQZ YF7RDM France - Indonesia 14:2510mFT8 
EA5D RP79U Spain - European Russia 14:2520mFT8 
N8XE YT3PL United States - Serbia 14:2515mFT8 
F8DWH RY2B France - European Russia 14:2515MFT8 
A61QQ JM1UTT United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:2517mFT8 
F4IRP YO4NT France - Romania 14:2517mFT8 
VK3TX RP79ZM Australia - European Russia 14:2520mCW 
SP5PDA AO175HLH Poland - Spain 14:2517mFT8 
UA0JCG XU7GNY Asiatic Russia - Cambodia 14:2520MFT8 
N4DLT AD9WM United States - United States 14:2520mSSB 
UA3SLB RP79IZ European Russia - European Russia 14:2540MSSB 
R2BGT RP79GPF European Russia - European Russia 14:2540MFT8 
R0AJS W9CA Asiatic Russia - United States 14:2517MFT4 
F1SPK IQ1TO France - Italy 14:2420mFT4 
K0KC KC8YJB United States - United States 14:242mFT8 
F4IIX R9OBH France - Asiatic Russia 14:2415mFT8 
F1NSK 7Q7JN France - Malawi 14:2410mFT8 
CT7AMZ EA8DS Portugal - Canary Is. 14:2420mFT8 
VU3TBU VU2SPK India - India 14:2440mLSB 
ZS6CVL DO7UWE Republic of South Africa - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:2410mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP PA9S Brazil - Netherlands 14:2412MFT8 
CE3SOC RZ4LC Chile - European Russia 14:2410mFT8 
PA9S PU5IKE/QRP Netherlands - Brazil 14:2412mFT8 
I2OGV I3TEST Italy - Italy 14:2440mPSK31 
K6SKI WB3LFG United States - United States 14:2420mFT8 
BG2DXK BG2IHF China - China 14:2440mFT8 
G1NFT US5IMX England - Ukraine 14:2415mFT8 
VU3WAW HB9RJD India - Switzerland 14:2410MFT8 
M7FGZ 4X5EF England - Israel 14:2410mFT4 
BG2IHF BG2DXK China - China 14:2440mFT8 
AA4WX N8XDG United States - United States 14:2420mFT8 
BH3TES XU7GNY China - Cambodia 14:2430mFT8 
EA3IDY UN7JID Spain - Kazakhstan 14:2412MFT8 
A61QQ DU2FIS United Arab Emirates - Philippines 14:2417mFT8 
IK1AAS TM77W Italy - France 14:2420mCW 
UA3SLB RP79TA European Russia - European Russia 14:2440MSSB 
UA3ALE CX1AAX European Russia - Uruguay 14:2410MFT8 
F4IRP EA4IQ France - Spain 14:2420mFT4 
UA3GJM RP79SB European Russia - European Russia 14:2430MFT8 
R5GG RZ3ADU European Russia - European Russia 14:2440MSSB 
F4BAL CT3HU France - Madeira Is. 14:2430MFT8 
AM775AT HA3PT Spain - Hungary 14:2430mFT8 
SV8NAJ OH1RM Greece - Finland 14:2415mFT4 
AM175DD SP8NFC Spain - Poland 14:2417MSSB 
IU5KWL IU3IIZ Italy - Italy 14:2440mFT8 
F5MXH PY2UH France - Brazil 14:2412MFT8 
RM3DA RP79KZG European Russia - European Russia 14:2420MFT8 
DK6WH A52P Fed. Republic of Germany - Bhutan 14:2315mFT8 
ON4VT GS3PYE Belgium - Scotland 14:2313cmFT8 
2E0HKM LZ1YAG England - Bulgaria 14:2315mUSB 
OZ1LWT OJ0T Denmark - Market Reef 14:2317mFT8 
GM4SUF RV3DBK Scotland - European Russia 14:2315mFT8 
F4IIX BA9TX France - China 14:2315mFT8 
VU3TBU VU2RDX India - India 14:2340mLSB 
S57AM PU5FLP Slovenia - Brazil 14:2310mFT8 
V85NPV F4GYG Brunei - France 14:2317mUSB 
VU3WAW RW6AIC India - European Russia 14:2310MFT8 
OZ9ACV YP2GE0 Denmark - Romania 14:2320mFT8 
VU3TBU VU3OJA India - India 14:2340mLSB 
A61QQ R9OAE United Arab Emirates - Asiatic Russia 14:2317mFT8 
BH4QJE BG4XAT China - China 14:2340mFT8 
G4XNA R1BDX England - European Russia 14:2317mFT8 
F4IRP UA9CJM France - Asiatic Russia 14:2320mFT4 
LU4DRH PU2URM Argentina - Brazil 14:2310mFT8 
R0AJS JA6JYN Asiatic Russia - Japan 14:2317MFT8 
RV4LD RP79SP European Russia - European Russia 14:2340MSSB 
RN3QOO RP79SG European Russia - European Russia 14:2340MSSB 
VU3TBU VU2PEP India - India 14:2240mLSB 
CT7AMZ EB3DBR Portugal - Spain 14:2220mFT8 
DL6KA I1VPJ Fed. Republic of Germany - Italy 14:2230mFT8 
IU3IIZ IU5KWL Italy - Italy 14:2240mFT8 
PU2XIF HA5LV Brazil - Hungary 14:2210mFT8 
R1BLH RP79IZ European Russia - European Russia 14:2220mFT8 
OH6FSO EA1FRJ Finland - Spain 14:2220mFT4 
EB2EMZ EA2CD Spain - Spain 14:2240MFT8 
K6SKI N2KYX United States - United States 14:2220mFT8 
AM775AT S53MJ Spain - Slovenia 14:2230mFT8 
WZ0X KB7RUQ United States - United States 14:2220mFT8 
A61QQ JN3OYU United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:2217mFT8 
PU2MVE PY2UH Brazil - Brazil 14:2212mFT8 
BA1PK LY2TS China - Lithuania 14:2215mFT8 
SP2EWQ AO675YK Poland - Balearic Is. 14:2217mFT8 
F5MXH RP79X France - European Russia 14:2212MFT8 
IK4IDF OH5VM/P Italy - Finland 14:2220mSSB 
AM175DD RL2G Spain - European Russia 14:2217MSSB 
F4IRP EA1ELV France - Spain 14:2220mFT4 
R5GG RP79VK European Russia - European Russia 14:2240MSSB 
IK4JPR OR90AL Italy - Belgium 14:2230mCW 
BH3EIW DO7MGA China - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:2115mFT8 
2E0HKM 5A7MB England - Libya 14:2115mUSB 
DO9KW RP79ML Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:2115mFT8 
F1SPK CT2GQN France - Portugal 14:2120mFT4 
F4CWQ HA/IK2UME France - Hungary 14:2120mFT8 
G4BPJ RP79MY England - European Russia 14:2117mCW 
GM4SUF KB2HRZ Scotland - United States 14:2115mFT8 
OM5TX OH5VM/P Slovak Republic - Finland 14:2120mUSB 
F4IIX RP79J France - Asiatic Russia 14:2115mFT8 
PP5TG SV2SIH Brazil - Greece 14:2110mFT8 
I0YYA IQ1TO Italy - Italy 14:2120mFT4 
SV1EKI F8HJV Greece - France 14:2117mFT8 
I2OGV I2TEST Italy - Italy 14:2140mPSK31 
EA2BUR LZ2VQ Spain - Bulgaria 14:2120mFT8 
VU3TBU VU3FWT India - India 14:2140mLSB 
F8HJV SV1EKI France - Greece 14:2117mFT8 
F4IRP RP79GRO France - European Russia 14:2120mFT4 
BA7LUI IU0SCE China - Italy 14:2115mFT8 
AA4WX KN6YIW United States - United States 14:2120mFT8 
IU7MZC RP79GRO Abu Ail Is. - European Russia 14:2120mFT4 
YB7UFI LZ4UA Indonesia - Bulgaria 14:2112mFT4 
SP2EWQ AO675SK Poland - Balearic Is. 14:2117mFT8 
R4FDD CT1KNM European Russia - Portugal 14:2110MFT8 
YB7UFI SP4MPH Indonesia - Poland 14:2112mFT4 
AM175DD YO2MPK Spain - Romania 14:2117MSSB 
2E0INN EW6DO England - Belarus 14:2017mFT8 
OE3PKU RK3AW/M Austria - Asiatic Russia 14:2017MCW 
EA7CJK RP79L Spain - European Russia 14:2020mCW 
F4GYG V85NPV France - Brunei 14:2017mUSB 
BH8VRO VU2DBM China - India 14:2015mFT8 
LA1SFG K1NH Norway - United States 14:2017mFT8 
VU3TBU VU3EFD India - India 14:2040mLSB 
V85NPV DH1TST Brunei - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:2017mUSB 
EA8TL LY2KM Canary Is. - Lithuania 14:2015mFT8 
M7COQ SP3ATB/P England - Poland 14:2040mLSB 
VU3TBU YD0NHG India - Indonesia 14:2040mLSB 
HB9VKL DL0ROS Switzerland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:2040mFT8 
F4FSY RP79U France - European Russia 14:2020mFT8 
BG2DXK RP79V China - European Russia 14:2040mFT8 
F5PZT RP79GRO France - European Russia 14:2020mFT4 
K2AK NO0T United States - United States 14:206mFT8 
IT9FEG IQ1TO Italy - Italy 14:2020mFT4 
R0AJS YO4NF Asiatic Russia - Romania 14:2017MFT8 
UA3SLB RC4P European Russia - European Russia 14:2040MSSB 
RN5AA LZ44IZ European Russia - Bulgaria 14:2020MCW 
YC1IVW 5B4AAB Indonesia - Cyprus 14:1910mFT8 
F6BTP HA/IK2UME France - Hungary 14:1920mFT8 
IZ3NUI UA9CJM Italy - Asiatic Russia 14:1920mFT4 
LU1DSP PY2GJ Argentina - Brazil 14:1915mFT8 
2E0INN RI0POL England - Asiatic Russia 14:1917mFT8 
G4BPJ RP79IW England - European Russia 14:1917mCW 
DL6KA F5JXS/P Fed. Republic of Germany - France 14:1930mFT8 
EA5D OJ0T Spain - Market Reef 14:1915mFT8 
A61QQ JI7JIH United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:1917mFT8 
SQ5WK VP8NO Poland - Falkland Is. 14:1910mFT8 
R1BLH RP79J European Russia - European Russia 14:1915mFT8 
V85NPV RW9JZ Brunei - Asiatic Russia 14:1917mUSB 
IU8JPJ RP79KP Italy - Asiatic Russia 14:1917mFT8 
G4BPJ RP79KZG England - European Russia 14:1917mCW 
PD2PE SP8KAT Netherlands - Poland 14:1920mFT8 
EA2BUR 5P7F Spain - Denmark 14:1920mFT8 
S57ZS YD5NTP Slovenia - Indonesia 14:1910mFT8 
VU3TBU VU2RVK India - India 14:1940mLSB 
CE3SOC IK1JLJ Chile - Italy 14:1910mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP DG4BRT Brazil - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1912MFT8 
F4BAL SM0MWZ France - Sweden 14:1930MFT8 
K5BYN KQ4RHR United States - United States 14:1910mFT8 
AA4WX K6BAY United States - United States 14:1920mFT8 
RM3DA RP79ZKS European Russia - European Russia 14:1920MFT8 
R2BGT RP79SO European Russia - European Russia 14:1940MFT8 
R4FDD EA7R European Russia - Spain 14:1910MFT8 
RN6FR RP79SG European Russia - European Russia 14:1940MSSB 
AM175DD LY5TO Spain - Lithuania 14:1917MSSB 
RV4LD RC4P European Russia - European Russia 14:1940MSSB 
UA3GJM RP79RGA European Russia - European Russia 14:1917MFT8 
R0AJS RP79KZG Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1917MFT8 
F4GYG SP9KJU France - Poland 14:1940mLSB 
PD0NHM YB7LXI Netherlands - Indonesia 14:1810mFT8 
IU1RZX OJ0T Italy - Finland 14:1817mFT8 
OM1AN UA4A Slovak Republic - European Russia 14:1817mFT8 
CT7AMZ CR2GPDX Portugal - Azores 14:1820mFT8 
F1JUM YB1OVY France - Indonesia 14:1812mFT8 
ZS6CVL YO9BZK Republic of South Africa - Romania 14:1810mFT8 
IU3IIZ DF1WR Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1840mFT8 
A61QQ JQ3DYV United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:1817mFT8 
G8LRS DM5TI England - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1817mFT8 
IK4RSR OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 14:1817mFT8 
VU3WAW OH6B India - Finland 14:1810MFT8 
PU1JQY OE6HTG Brazil - Austria 14:1810mFT8 
V85NPV IU5HWS Brunei - Italy 14:1817mUSB 
PA9S 7Q6M Netherlands - Malawi 14:1812mFT8 
ZS5HR YC8DYX Republic of South Africa - Indonesia 14:1820mFT8 
OH1FOL VP8NO Finland - Falkland Is. 14:1810mFT8 
TA9J/QRP EA5JFO Turkey - Spain 14:1810mFT8 
VU3TBU 4S6RYD India - Sri Lanka 14:1840mLSB 
F8HJV YO4NF France - Romania 14:1817mFT8 
AM775AT EA2IA Spain - Spain 14:1830mFT8 
ON2BCB UA0TP Belgium - Asiatic Russia 14:1817mFT8 
UA3SLB RP79SP European Russia - European Russia 14:1840MSSB 
JF0CSK PA0ABM Japan - Netherlands 14:1815mFT8 
SP4NKU RP79TW Poland - European Russia 14:1830MFT8 
F5PZT CT3MD France - Madeira Is. 14:1820mFT4 
UY3LV SP9DTE Ukraine - Poland 14:1820MFT8 
SQ5MTG EA1AKS Poland - Spain 14:1720mFT8 
ZS6CVL G4VJN Republic of South Africa - England 14:1710mFT8 
EA4HRJ EC1DJ Spain - Spain 14:1740mLSB 
EA3IE F4BJN Spain - France 14:1730mFT8 
OK1SLM A52P Czech Republic - Bhutan 14:1715mFT8 
ZS2EZ S55L Republic of South Africa - Slovenia 14:1710MFT8 
PU1JQY CT3IQ Brazil - Madeira Is. 14:1710mFT8 
BH4QJE JQ1VVM China - Japan 14:1740mFT8 
2E0WDS EB3DBR England - Spain 14:1720mFT8 
HF5A YF7RDM Poland - Indonesia 14:1710mFT8 
AM775AT DL3BH Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1730mFT8 
SP6SOZ RU3X Poland - European Russia 14:1720mFT8 
SV8NAJ AO775KS Greece - Spain 14:1715mFT8 
BG2ATH JE6PJP China - Japan 14:1720mFT8 
M3OZP RP79ML England - European Russia 14:1717mFT8 
EA8TL HA7TM Canary Is. - Hungary 14:1715mFT8 
R2BGT RP79MG European Russia - European Russia 14:1740MFT8 
HA3LI RP79RF Hungary - Asiatic Russia 14:1720MCW 
AM175DD DL7AN Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1717MSSB 
EA1KE TR8CA Spain - Gabon 14:1712mCW 
UA3AIU RP79ATX European Russia - European Russia 14:1720MCW 
HA3LI RP79KP Hungary - European Russia 14:1720MCW 
R9AAB UK8AJN Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1720MSSB 
AM175DD ES2RAX Spain - Estonia 14:1717MSSB 
WV8DX WA4OTL United States - United States 14:1615mFT8 
IU4QQE IK4LZH Italy - Italy 14:1612mFT8 
SQ5MTG ON4XM Poland - Belgium 14:1620mFT8 
IK4JPR DM100FK Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1630mCW 
ZS5HR K6KQV Republic of South Africa - United States 14:1620mFT8 
TA9J/QRP F5PBG Turkey - France 14:1610mFT8 
VU3TBU VU3IXK India - India 14:1640mLSB 
EA7CJK RP79PT Spain - European Russia 14:1620mCW 
F8HJV OD5ZZ France - Lebanon 14:1617mFT8 
JF0CSK LY2KM Japan - Lithuania 14:1615mFT8 
R3XAR R8CEK European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:1620mFT8 
G4XNA YO8WRC England - Romania 14:1617mFT8 
AM775AT EA3IE Spain - Spain 14:1630mFT8 
VU3TBU VU2NSL India - India 14:1640mLSB 
AA4WX WS2K United States - United States 14:1620mFT8 
BA1PK RP79MF China - European Russia 14:1612mFT8 
A61QQ JR6QXL United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:1617mFT8 
F4IRP RA4HUV France - European Russia 14:1617mFT8 
PD2PE EA1AKS Netherlands - Spain 14:1620mFT8 
HA3LI RP79NR Hungary - European Russia 14:1620MCW 
UL1978 FK8HM European Russia - New Caledonia 14:1630mFT8 
JF0CSK RU3FM Japan - European Russia 14:1615mFT8 
UA3SLB RP79SG European Russia - European Russia 14:1640MSSB 
R9SS RP79PT Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1620MCW 
SP5LAG J43POTA Poland - Greece 14:1620mUSB 
F5PZT EA4IQ France - Spain 14:1620mFT4 
KE4LPL AD9WM United States - United States 14:1640mLSB 
F4BAL PD2HYN France - Netherlands 14:1630MFT8 
IZ6BTN PA3GSV/P Italy - Netherlands 14:1630mCW 
UA3ALE BD7KWU European Russia - China 14:1612MFT8 
R2BGT RP79AAG European Russia - European Russia 14:1640MFT8 
HA3LI RP79MG Hungary - European Russia 14:1620MCW 
RM3DA RP79I European Russia - European Russia 14:1620MFT8 
BH3EIW UR9QQ China - Ukraine 14:1515mFT8 
2E0INN YO4NT England - Romania 14:1517mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP DG4BRT Brazil - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1512MFT8 
EA4ETF JA4NIJ Spain - Japan 14:1515mFT8 
OH6IH RP79GRO Finland - European Russia 14:1520mFT4 
EA3IE AM775AT Spain - Spain 14:1530mFT8 
HZ1MW 7Z1DV Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia 14:1520mUSB 
EA2BUR YO6LM Spain - Romania 14:1520mFT8 
F1TRF RP79X France - European Russia 14:1515mFT8 
OR4U SV3EAO Belgium - Greece 14:1517mUSB 
OE7KRJ SV2HTW Austria - Greece 14:1520mFT8 
IU7MZC RP79AF Abu Ail Is. - European Russia 14:1520mFT8 
IU7PFX LA/OS4K Italy - Norway 14:1515mFT8 
V85NPV JL8PZO Brunei - Japan 14:1517mUSB 
BG2DIH S59A China - Slovenia 14:1515mFT8 
F4GYG OH2HT/P France - Finland 14:1520mUSB 
R1BLH RP79KG European Russia - European Russia 14:1515mFT8 
A61QQ JR4TAG United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:1517mFT8 
PU1JQY SV2CLJ Brazil - Greece 14:1510mFT8 
UN8JRA XU7GNY Kazakhstan - Cambodia 14:1517MFT8 
AM175DD OZ5HW Spain - Denmark 14:1517MSSB 
JF0CSK IK2SAR Japan - Italy 14:1515mFT8 
AM775AT E79D Spain - Bosnia-Herzegovina 14:1530mFT8 
PA9S RW9QA Netherlands - Asiatic Russia 14:1512mFT8 
EA7CJK TM77W Spain - France 14:1520mCW 
IU5KWL SV2HTW Italy - Greece 14:1540mFT8 
BA1PK RP79DD China - European Russia 14:1512mFT8 
F4FSY RP79KO France - European Russia 14:1520mFT8 
AM175DD YT6M Spain - Serbia 14:1517MSSB 
RN6FR RC4P European Russia - European Russia 14:1540MSSB 
F4GYG J43POTA France - Greece 14:1520mUSB 
HA7NB LA3JRA Hungary - Norway 14:1520MFT4 
HA3LI RP79UAI Hungary - European Russia 14:1520MCW 
LA3JRA HA7NB Norway - Hungary 14:1520mFT4 
R0AJS RP79KP Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1517MFT8 
WV8DX KR4FK United States - United States 14:1415mFT8 
K7CTM NJ6D United States - United States 14:146mFT8 
DH6VL VP8NO Fed. Republic of Germany - Falkland Is. 14:1410mFT8 
DK6WH XU7GNY Fed. Republic of Germany - Cambodia 14:1415mFT8 
2E0INN W5CHA England - United States 14:1417mFT8 
HZ1MW HZ1MD Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia 14:1420mUSB 
ZS2EZ RU3UR Republic of South Africa - European Russia 14:1410MFT8 
F1JUM LW7ESL France - Argentina 14:1412mFT8 
IU8CNE A61DI Italy - United Arab Emirates 14:1412mFT4 
IU3IIZ DG9NAY Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1440mFT8 
HZ1MW 7Z1CB Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia 14:1420mUSB 
SP6SOZ M7FOJ Poland - England 14:1420mFT8 
IT9IST 5P5LI Italy - Denmark 14:1420mUSB 
AD9AR W5ACB United States - United States 14:1415mFT8 
F8DWH EA3DVP France - Spain 14:1410MFT8 
EA4ETF VE2JD Spain - Canada 14:1415mFT8 
F5PZT M7EMH France - England 14:1420mFT4 
ON2EA RU3DUA Belgium - European Russia 14:1415mFT8 
EA5D RP79GD Spain - European Russia 14:1420mFT8 
M7FGZ IK4YHJ England - Italy 14:1420mFT4 
A61QQ JA1JAT United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:1417mFT8 
LW7ESL F1JUM Argentina - France 14:1412MFT8 
AM775AT EA7DNE Spain - Spain 14:1430mFT8 
UA3ALE BA1PK European Russia - China 14:1412MFT8 
R2BGT RP79PM European Russia - European Russia 14:1440MFT8 
AM175DD DG0DE Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1417MSSB 
R9SS RP79BK Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1420MCW 
BA1PK UA3ALE China - European Russia 14:1412mFT8 
R0AJS RP79WA Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1417MFT8 
F5MXH IU4OQF France - Italy 14:1412MFT8 
HA3LI RP79ATX Hungary - Asiatic Russia 14:1420MCW 
RV4LD RP79TG European Russia - European Russia 14:1440MSSB 
RN5AA RP79NR European Russia - European Russia 14:1420MCW 
UN8JRA BI4SWY Kazakhstan - China 14:1417MFT8 
F4IWN G0LUH France - England 14:1330mFT8 
IU4OQF F5MXH Italy - France 14:1312mFT8 
LU1DSP A52P Argentina - Bhutan 14:1315mFT8 
SQ5MTG I8KRC Poland - Italy 14:1320mFT8 
IU7PFX RP79X Italy - European Russia 14:1315mFT8 
PY1JDX VP8NO Brazil - Falkland Is. 14:1310mFT8 
EA2BUR OZ9FF Spain - Denmark 14:1320mFT8 
CE3SOC RA3QSV Chile - European Russia 14:1310mFT8 
V85NPV F5NZO Brunei - France 14:1317mUSB 
DL1IP TR8CA Fed. Republic of Germany - Gabon 14:1312mFT8 
HZ1MW A61KZ Saudi Arabia - United Arab Emirates 14:1320mUSB 
OH6IH ON5AG Finland - Belgium 14:1320mFT4 
HZ1MW 7Z1IV Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia 14:1320mUSB 
BG8GAM OJ0T China - Market Reef 14:1320mFT8 
ZS2EZ LX2A Republic of South Africa - Luxembourg 14:1310MFT8 
AA4WX KE0WSW United States - United States 14:1320mFT8 
ZS5HR JE2RRL Republic of South Africa - Japan 14:1320mFT8 
HA3LI RP79BK Hungary - European Russia 14:1320MCW 
AM775AT EA1IOK Spain - Spain 14:1330mFT8 
AM175DD SP6CNU Spain - Poland 14:1317MSSB 
RN3RFZ RP79SP European Russia - European Russia 14:1340MSSB 
BA1PK SP7IWA China - Poland 14:1312mFT8 
R9SS RP79MG Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1320MCW 
HA3LI RP79PM Hungary - European Russia 14:1320MCW 
RV4LD RP79VK European Russia - European Russia 14:1340MSSB 
R4FDD CT2IAL European Russia - Portugal 14:1310MFT8 
DL6KA ON6CQ Fed. Republic of Germany - Belgium 14:1230mFT8 
IU4OQF BD7KWU Italy - China 14:1212mFT8 
LA1SFG YO4NF Norway - Romania 14:1217mFT8 
PP5HR F8HJV Brazil - France 14:1210mFT8 
F4IWN UB2FCL France - European Russia 14:1230mFT8 
K5UHF AI5PP United States - United States 14:1220mFT8 
DH1OK CX8DS Fed. Republic of Germany - Uruguay 14:1212mFT8 
ZS1IB EP4HR Republic of South Africa - Iran 14:1212mFT8 
EA5D EV79K Spain - Belarus 14:1220mFT8 
ON2BCB RP79RGA Belgium - European Russia 14:1217mFT8 
IU8BPS LA/OS4K Italy - Norway 14:1215mFT8 
IU3IIZ IW1ENZ Italy - Italy 14:1240mFT8 
A61QQ JH0AHI United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:1217mFT8 
ZS5HR BG7JAF Republic of South Africa - China 14:1220mFT8 
BG5UEZ JL2PIN China - Japan 14:1217mFT8 
BA7LUI ON3RUM China - Belgium 14:1215mFT8 
RV9UAF RP79X Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1230MFT8 
PA3GLH RP79BK Netherlands - European Russia 14:1220mCW 
RN6FR RP79ZK European Russia - European Russia 14:1240MSSB 
BA1PK ZS6RHL China - Republic of South Africa 14:1212mFT8 
AM175DD OE5HGL Spain - Austria 14:1217MSSB 
RV6H RP79RF European Russia - European Russia 14:1220MCW 
RM3DA RM9RZ European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:1220MFT4 
R2BGT RP79NV European Russia - European Russia 14:1240MFT8 
IK4IDF OH2HT/P Italy - Finland 14:1220mSSB 
F4FTI SP6SOZ France - Poland 14:1120mFT8 
2E0HKM R4HCN England - European Russia 14:1115mUSB 
GM4HCY 7Q6M Scotland - Malawi 14:1112mFT8 
HA8DG OM2BK Hungary - Slovak Republic 14:1120mJT65 
IK3UVI ZF2OO Italy - Cayman Islands 14:1117mFT8 
IW9FRA UN7JID Italy - Kazakhstan 14:1112mFT8 
OH6IH EA3HSD Finland - Spain 14:1120mFT4 
CX6TU LS3D Uruguay - Argentina 14:1140mFT8 
PD2PE RP79CTS Netherlands - European Russia 14:1120mFT8 
ZS6CVL LU2GE Republic of South Africa - Argentina 14:1110mFT8 
VU3WAW BG5CWM India - China 14:1120MFT8 
EA4ETF RP79SW Spain - European Russia 14:1115mFT8 
SP6SOZ F4FTI Poland - France 14:1120mFT8 
SV1SSL AM375A Greece - Spain 14:1115mFT8 
IU0KNS II3AAV Italy - Italy 14:1140mFT8 
A61QQ R0LIM United Arab Emirates - Asiatic Russia 14:1117mFT8 
SP5PDA UA4A Poland - European Russia 14:1117mFT8 
K6SKI KT3S United States - United States 14:1120mFT8 
IK2JTS SP3ATB/P Italy - Poland 14:1140mSSB 
HA3LI RP79RD Hungary - European Russia 14:1120MCW 
UN8JRA YO4NF Kazakhstan - Romania 14:1117MFT8 
UA9YAD R9TA Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:1120MJT65 
RM3DA R8LCM European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:1120MFT4 
SP4NKU GB2CQD Poland - England 14:1130MFT8 
RN5AA RP79X European Russia - European Russia 14:1120MCW 
UN8JRA JH5HDA Kazakhstan - Japan 14:1117MFT8 
RM3DA R8LCM/M European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:1120MFT4 
HA3LI RP79L Hungary - European Russia 14:1120MCW 
RN6FR RP79TF European Russia - European Russia 14:1140MSSB 
R9SS RP79L Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:1120MCW 
F1SPK SP5DFK/QRP France - Poland 14:1020mFT4 
YC1IVW UT7IA Indonesia - Ukraine 14:1010mFT8 
I2OGV SP8ATB/P Italy - Poland 14:1040mLSB 
YB5QZ OJ0T Indonesia - Market Reef 14:1015mFT8 
OT4R OZ3KK Belgium - Denmark 14:1040mFT8 
BH8VRO IQ1BK China - Italy 14:1015mFT8 
OM5TX OH2HT/P Slovak Republic - Finland 14:1020mUSB 
F4IIX TA9M France - Turkey 14:1015mFT8 
VU3TBU VU3LLL India - India 14:1040mLSB 
OE7KRJ RP79KG Austria - European Russia 14:1015mFT8 
PA9S YD1GLT Netherlands - Indonesia 14:1010mFT8 
DO7SHN XU7GNY Fed. Republic of Germany - Cambodia 14:1015mFT8 
LW7ESL ZS6RHL Argentina - Republic of South Africa 14:1012MFT8 
EA5D RP79FA Spain - European Russia 14:1020mFT8 
ZS5HR JL6USD Republic of South Africa - Japan 14:1020mFT8 
EA4ETF YB7KTB Spain - Indonesia 14:1015mFT8 
EI5DD J43POTA Ireland - Greece 14:1020mUSB 
DK4RH RP79TG Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:1015mFT8 
V85NPV JK1BHG Brunei - Japan 14:1017mUSB 
YB6DE JH6KTZ Indonesia - Japan 14:1015mFT8 
OH6FSO DJ1NE Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1020mFT4 
A61QQ UA0TP United Arab Emirates - Asiatic Russia 14:1017mFT8 
F6ARS YC1FYL France - Indonesia 14:1010mFT8 
PU2MVE M7BGH Brazil - England 14:1012mFT8 
MW0SGU 9A3PV Wales - Croatia 14:1010mFT8 
F5PZT M0JBF France - England 14:1020mFT4 
UY3LV OE6OCG Ukraine - Austria 14:1020MFT4 
R9AAB ER5DX Asiatic Russia - Moldova 14:1020MSSB 
AE4TG W3BAY United States - United States 14:1040mLSB 
AM775AT IK3IUL Spain - Italy 14:1020mFT4 
HA3LI RP79I Hungary - European Russia 14:1020MCW 
IU2MCH J43POTA Italy - Greece 14:1020mUSB 
UA3ALE EC1CS European Russia - Spain 14:1012MFT8 
AM175DD DL3APY Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:1017MSSB 
RM3DA RG0S European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:1020MFT4 
RV6H RP79KP European Russia - European Russia 14:1020MCW 
UN8JRA JH7AUL Kazakhstan - Japan 14:1017MFT8 
RN5AA RP79UAI European Russia - European Russia 14:1020MCW 
RV4LD RP79RT European Russia - European Russia 14:1040MSSB 
F5MXH RQ6A France - European Russia 14:1012MFT8 
YO2LZZ OD5ZZ Romania - Lebanon 14:0917mFT8 
S54KD AO775KS Slovenia - Spain 14:0915mFT8 
KB3TAW ZL1BW United States - New Zealand 14:0920MFT8 
F1JUM RW6HP France - European Russia 14:0912mFT8 
2E0INN RA3SD England - European Russia 14:0917mFT8 
OH1EDK VK6KC Finland - Australia 14:0920mFT8 
GM4SUF YF3AQV Scotland - Indonesia 14:0915mFT8 
SV1EKI DC7MW Greece - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0917mFT8 
OE7KRJ J79WTA Austria - Dominica 14:0915mFT8 
OH6IH DK6MR Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0920mFT4 
SP6SOZ RU3GF Poland - European Russia 14:0920mFT8 
KC1NJC GI0OKM United States - Northern Ireland 14:0915mFT8 
SV8NAJ AM775R Greece - Spain 14:0912mFT8 
BG2DXK YD0ASL China - Indonesia 14:0940mFT8 
YC1IVW PA5VL Indonesia - Netherlands 14:0910mFT8 
IZ3XEF JK4KSD Italy - Japan 14:0915mFT8 
V85NPV BI8FRF Brunei - China 14:0917mUSB 
ON4VT OH2HT/P Belgium - Finland 14:0920mUSB 
M7FGZ OE6OCG England - Austria 14:0920mFT4 
IN3ADG RP79KG Italy - European Russia 14:0915mFT8 
R9AAB R2RFE Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:0920MSSB 
AA4WX KA9WAR United States - United States 14:0920mFT8 
K5BYN AD0AA United States - United States 14:0920mFT8 
PU2NOL LY2J Brazil - Lithuania 14:0910mFT8 
DK6MR OH6IH Fed. Republic of Germany - Finland 14:0920mFT4 
OH6FSO PA3GOV Finland - Netherlands 14:0920mFT4 
PA3GLH RP79D Netherlands - European Russia 14:0920mCW 
RD3ZQ RP79T European Russia - European Russia 14:0930MFT8 
AM775AT F4IRP Spain - France 14:0920mFT4 
AM175DD S50A Spain - Slovenia 14:0917MSSB 
RN5AA RP79GL European Russia - European Russia 14:0920MCW 
PY5XT EA4ICD Brazil - Spain 14:0910MFT8 
AM175DD SP1HHF Spain - Poland 14:0917MSSB 
UN8JRA A61QQ Kazakhstan - United Arab Emirates 14:0917MFT8 
IZ3NUI M7FGZ Italy - England 14:0820mFT4 
OZ1GGF SV3AUW Denmark - Greece 14:0815mFT8 
PA4ARP UT0UE Netherlands - Ukraine 14:0820mPSK31 
BH4QJE BH6IDD China - China 14:0840mFT8 
2E0INN R0AJS England - Asiatic Russia 14:0817mFT8 
BG5UEZ RP79MY China - European Russia 14:0817mFT8 
ZS5HR BH4XBU Republic of South Africa - China 14:0820mFT8 
DK4RH RP79MD Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:0815mFT8 
W4KN W9KY United States - United States 14:0830mFT8 
EA5D EV79M Spain - Belarus 14:0820mFT8 
A61QQ JG6SRB United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:0817mFT8 
SP6SOZ M0ELS Poland - England 14:0820mFT8 
G7NOT 5P5LI England - Denmark 14:0820mUSB 
YB6DE YC9ATK Indonesia - Indonesia 14:0815mFT8 
F4IRP AM775AT France - Spain 14:0820mFT4 
BH4QJE DS1TQX China - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 14:0840mFT8 
BH8VRO IK2SAR China - Italy 14:0815mFT8 
BG2ATH BG9IUA China - China 14:0820mFT8 
AM175DD IU0OXQ Spain - Italy 14:0817MSSB 
PG5V EA1C Netherlands - Spain 14:0830mFT4 
M7FGZ IZ3NUI England - Italy 14:0820mFT4 
DK6MR OH6FSO Fed. Republic of Germany - Finland 14:0820mFT4 
PU2MVE YB4KAR Brazil - Indonesia 14:0812mFT8 
R0AJS 2E0INN Asiatic Russia - England 14:0817MFT8 
OH6FSO DK6MR Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0820mFT4 
AM175DD DL1JEE Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0817MSSB 
SP4NKU DL100FK Poland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0840MCW 
RM3DA OH6IH European Russia - Finland 14:0820MFT4 
R2BGT RP79LDD European Russia - European Russia 14:0830MFT8 
UA3SLB RP79TG European Russia - European Russia 14:0840MSSB 
R9AAB RA0SFW Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:0820MSSB 
F5MXH CX8DS France - Uruguay 14:0812MFT8 
RM3DA YB0KTT European Russia - Indonesia 14:0820MFT4 
BH3EIW F6BIA China - France 14:0715mFT8 
SV9CAF 9A3SWO Crete - Croatia 14:0720mMFSK16 
F4IRT XU7GNY France - Cambodia 14:0710mFT8 
ON3RDZ EA4HF Belgium - Spain 14:0720mFT8 
M0XXJ EK/RX3DPK England - Armenia 14:0712mFT8 
F1TRF JK4KSD France - Japan 14:0715mFT8 
OH6IH RM3DA Finland - European Russia 14:0720mFT4 
N9YNG KK4IT United States - United States 14:0730mFT8 
PT2AP A52P Brazil - Bhutan 14:0715mFT8 
F4CWQ II5CECI France - Italy 14:0730mFT8 
IU3IIZ IV3VFP Italy - Italy 14:0740mFT8 
OE7KRJ G4BHE Austria - England 14:0715mFT8 
YV1SW K5LD Venezuela - United States 14:0715mFT8 
BH4BNQ IK8TMF China - Italy 14:0715mFT8 
A61QQ UN8JRA United Arab Emirates - Kazakhstan 14:0717mFT8 
F1DSZ IT9VCE France - Italy 14:0717mFT8 
MW0SGU DK9XR Wales - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0710mFT8 
G4BHE OE7KRJ England - Austria 14:0715mFT8 
PA3WB OJ0T Netherlands - Market Reef 14:0720mFT8 
EA5D RP79KO Spain - European Russia 14:0720mFT8 
F4BAL OH7UE France - Finland 14:0730MFT8 
K2AK N4THG United States - United States 14:0720mFT8 
PY5XT SQ5HG Brazil - Poland 14:0710MFT8 
R0AJS RP79MY Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:0717MFT8 
R4FDD AO475GTY European Russia - Spain 14:0710MFT8 
BG2ATH BD7PRS China - China 14:0720mFT8 
AM775AT DK6MR Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0720mFT4 
IU0LGK PU1NIU Italy - Brazil 14:0712mFT8 
RM3DA OH6FSO European Russia - Finland 14:0720MFT4 
LA3JRA OE6OCG Norway - Austria 14:0620mFT4 
SV3SFJ FR4UB Greece - Reunion Is. 14:0610mSSB 
IZ4WNP GD6ICR Italy - Isle of Man 14:0617mFT8 
YC1IVW ER1CS Indonesia - Moldova 14:0610mFT8 
WG4P WF4F United States - United States 14:0617mFT8 
VU2TE VU3LLL India - India 14:0640mLSB 
VU3WAW XU7GNY India - Cambodia 14:0620MFT8 
PU1JQY OM3WFH Brazil - Slovak Republic 14:0610mFT8 
CE3SOC EA4ICD Chile - Spain 14:0610mFT8 
BG2DXK YD1BVY China - Indonesia 14:0640mFT8 
KE1AF K8ACW United States - United States 14:0630mFT8 
PU2NOL UN1L Brazil - Kazakhstan 14:0610mFT8 
OH6FSO RM3DA Finland - European Russia 14:0620mFT4 
BG2EFX LY2TS China - Lithuania 14:0615mFT8 
DK6MR AM775AT Fed. Republic of Germany - Spain 14:0620mFT4 
IZ3XEF YB4KAR Italy - Indonesia 14:0612mFT8 
G7SQC UB8JEG England - Asiatic Russia 14:0612mFT8 
AA4WX KE2CJL United States - United States 14:0620mFT8 
ZS5HR K2BAG Republic of South Africa - United States 14:0620mFT8 
VK3TX RP79KZG Australia - European Russia 14:0620mCW 
RN3QOO RP79TG European Russia - European Russia 14:0620MSSB 
RM3DA CT3MD European Russia - Madeira Is. 14:0620MFT4 
PA3GLH RP79SE Netherlands - European Russia 14:0617mCW 
RN5AA RP79BK European Russia - European Russia 14:0620MCW 
RD3ZQ RP79TW European Russia - European Russia 14:0630MFT8 
R9AAB R3PY Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:0620MSSB 
R0AJS UR4URU Asiatic Russia - Ukraine 14:0617MFT8 
LA1SFG NM1G Norway - United States 14:0517mFT8 
I2OGV HB50VC Italy - Switzerland 14:0540mCW 
F4CWQ IK1JLJ France - Italy 14:0530mFT8 
2E0INN IT9VCE England - Italy 14:0517mFT8 
C21TS RU3FW Nauru - European Russia 14:0515mFT8 
OH6IH DL1RLB Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0520mFT4 
R1BLH A52P European Russia - Bhutan 14:0515mFT8 
PA9S YD2CIO Netherlands - Indonesia 14:0510mFT8 
F5LMJ YO2CMI France - Romania 14:0520mFT4 
IU3IIZ I1VPJ Italy - Italy 14:0540mFT8 
IZ3NUI G0JNH Italy - England 14:0520mFT4 
ON2BCB YO4NT Belgium - Romania 14:0517mFT8 
BG2DXK UA0LQE China - Asiatic Russia 14:0540mFT8 
F5PZT RA3LJ France - European Russia 14:0520mFT4 
OH6FSO US5EEK Finland - Ukraine 14:0520mFT4 
RV9UAF RP79IZ Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:0520MFT4 
IU8BPS M0JUM Italy - England 14:0520mFT8 
SP5LAG GS3PYE Poland - Scotland 14:0520mUSB 
K2AK AC2BI United States - United States 14:0520mFT8 
R4IQ OM2BK European Russia - Slovak Republic 14:0520MJT65 
UN8JRA R9XD/9 Kazakhstan - Asiatic Russia 14:0515MFT8 
RN3RFZ RZ3R European Russia - European Russia 14:0540MSSB 
RN3RFZ RP79ZK European Russia - European Russia 14:0540MSSB 
IZ5IOS OJ0T Italy - Finland 14:0520MFT8 
UA6HGM S51TA/MM European Russia - Slovenia 14:0510MFT8 
UA3GJM RP79PM European Russia - European Russia 14:0540MFT8 
AM175DD DF5DY Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0520MFT8 
R0AJS JH5HDA Asiatic Russia - Japan 14:0517MFT8 
G0AKH M0TNI/P England - England 14:0440mLSB 
OK2RO OJ0T Czech Republic - Market Reef 14:0420mFT8 
W9RSM N5LYJ United States - United States 14:0430mFT8 
SQ5WK YD7AKW Poland - Indonesia 14:0410mFT8 
HB9VKL TA2BZ Switzerland - Turkey 14:0420mFT8 
BH4FSK/QRP BG7JAF China - China 14:0420mFT8 
SP5PDA 5B4AAB Poland - Cyprus 14:0417mFT8 
G0JNH IZ3NUI England - Italy 14:0420mFT4 
EI5DD DC5LY Ireland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0420mUSB 
BH4QJE YG2BEV China - Indonesia 14:0440mFT8 
K2KA VA3AG United States - Canada 14:0440mLSB 
OH6FSO DL1RLB Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0420mFT4 
RN5AA RP79PM European Russia - European Russia 14:0420MCW 
K2KA VE3KII United States - Canada 14:0440mLSB 
F6IJT DG1ASD France - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0415mFT8 
AM775AT SP3EMA Spain - Poland 14:0420mFT4 
R9SS RP79RD Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:0420MCW 
RM3DA YD2ULK European Russia - Indonesia 14:0410MFT4 
F6ISI US5EAA France - Ukraine 14:0415mFT4 
UN8JRA R2FAQ Kazakhstan - Kaliningrad 14:0415MFT8 
AM175DD ON4ASV Spain - Belgium 14:0420MFT8 
R0AJS IZ4JMA Asiatic Russia - Italy 14:0417MFT8 
BH3EIW G3UAS China - England 14:0315mFT8 
EI3CTB II3AAV Ireland - Italy 14:0320mFT8 
AC9IR WE9G United States - United States 14:0320mFT8 
F4IIX JK4KSD France - Japan 14:0315mFT8 
F4CWQ DL6KA France - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0330mFT8 
OK1UM WP4LBK Czech Republic - Puerto Rico 14:0370CMPKT 
BG8GAM GI5RPG China - Northern Ireland 14:0315mFT8 
IU0KNS DL0ROS Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0340mFT8 
DL6KA F4CWQ Fed. Republic of Germany - France 14:0330mFT8 
BH3TES UA2FBW China - Kaliningrad 14:0317mFT8 
CE3SOC SP8BDF Chile - Poland 14:0310mFT8 
K2AK AI5PP United States - United States 14:0320mFT8 
W8RTJ KE0OMJ United States - United States 14:0320mUSB 
OH6FSO US2UM Finland - Ukraine 14:0320mFT4 
BD4UJ RP79GD China - European Russia 14:0320mFT8 
G0JNH CT3MD England - Madeira Is. 14:0320mFT4 
VU3WAW BG7TRX India - China 14:0320MFT8 
PA3GLH RP79O Netherlands - European Russia 14:0317mCW 
AM775AT F5PZT Spain - France 14:0320mFT4 
UR3AHF YD0AUJ Ukraine - Indonesia 14:0315MFT8 
UL1978 XU7GNY European Russia - Cambodia 14:0317mFT8 
F5PZT AM775AT France - Spain 14:0320mFT4 
G7SQC 4Z4WN England - Israel 14:0312mFT8 
R2BGT RP79X European Russia - European Russia 14:0330MFT8 
RN5AA RP79RF European Russia - European Russia 14:0320MCW 
RD3ZQ EV79M European Russia - Belarus 14:0330MFT8 
F5MXH EA1AKS France - Spain 14:0312MFT8 
R4FDD S51TA/MM European Russia - Slovenia 14:0310MFT8 
HA7NB F5LMJ Hungary - France 14:0320MFT4 
R3DHH AM375A European Russia - Spain 14:0315MFT8 
R0AJS EA3NW Asiatic Russia - Spain 14:0317MFT8 
IU4OQF JT1CO Italy - Mongolia 14:0210mFT8 
AC9IR KE2CJL United States - United States 14:0220mFT8 
OH6IH RP79IZ Finland - European Russia 14:0220mFT4 
2E0INN IK6HQL England - Italy 14:0217mFT8 
ZS6CVL S57F Republic of South Africa - Slovenia 14:0210mFT8 
YC1IVW YT1DX Indonesia - Serbia 14:0210mFT8 
LA1SFG IT9VCE Norway - Italy 14:0217mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP LB2AG Brazil - Norway 14:0212MFT8 
PT2AP 3A2MW Brazil - Monaco 14:0215mFT8 
IZ3NUI M1APC Italy - England 14:0220mFT4 
BG8GAM RP79KP China - European Russia 14:0215mFT8 
F5LMJ HA7NB France - Hungary 14:0220mFT4 
IU3IIZ DL1AXB Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0240mFT8 
EI5DD SN5HRT Ireland - Poland 14:0220mUSB 
UA3SLB RP79RK European Russia - European Russia 14:0240MSSB 
BG2DXK BI3QIY China - China 14:0240mFT8 
M0PMO IQ7DV England - Italy 14:0217mFT8 
AM175DD DH4PAE Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0220MFT8 
F4FSY CT1CGO France - Portugal 14:0220mFT4 
R5GG UB4FGK European Russia - European Russia 14:0240MSSB 
R5GG UA4SGQ European Russia - European Russia 14:0240MSSB 
R0AJS OH3OJ Asiatic Russia - Finland 14:0217MFT8 
ON3RDZ RP79BR Belgium - European Russia 14:0120mFT8 
K6SKI K6BAY United States - United States 14:0120mFT8 
W1ATB 3D2CCC United States - Fiji 14:0130mFT8 
F1DSZ SV3AUW France - Greece 14:0115mFT8 
F4IIX OH4KRN France - Finland 14:0115mFT8 
SV1EKI M0PMO Greece - England 14:0117mFT8 
G1NFT YC1IVW England - Indonesia 14:0110mFT8 
OE7KRJ PT7PT Austria - Brazil 14:0110mFT8 
YC1IVW G1NFT Indonesia - England 14:0110mFT8 
A61QQ 7K2QOX United Arab Emirates - Japan 14:0117mFT8 
DK4RH EV79K Fed. Republic of Germany - Belarus 14:0120mFT8 
PA3WB XU7GNY Netherlands - Cambodia 14:0110mFT8 
BG2IHF JS2GBE China - Japan 14:0140mFT8 
AM775AT OE6OCG Spain - Austria 14:0120mFT4 
ZS1IB JE2RMH Republic of South Africa - Japan 14:0117mFT8 
SP6SOZ SV2HTW Poland - Greece 14:0120mFT8 
UA9YAD R4IQ Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:0120MJT65 
UA3AIU RI0POL European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:0120MCW 
SQ5WK YC2FAJ Poland - Indonesia 14:0110mFT4 
F6IJT DO3OH France - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0115mFT8 
M0PMO SV1EKI England - Greece 14:0117mFT8 
G0JNH W9CA England - United States 14:0117mFT4 
IU0LGK BD7KWU Italy - China 14:0112mFT8 
AA4WX KI5OS United States - United States 14:0115mFT8 
AM175DD DL5BAW Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 14:0120MFT8 
VK3TX RP79WN Australia - European Russia 14:0120mCW 
UA3SLB RP79RT European Russia - European Russia 14:0140MSSB 
ON7DY BG0BPZ Belgium - China 14:0120mFT8 
PY5XT CT1GTI Brazil - Portugal 14:0110MFT8 
R0AJS SP5PDA Asiatic Russia - Poland 14:0117MFT8 
UV5ETX MX1SWL/A Ukraine - England 14:0020MFT4 
IK6VEM XU7GNY Italy - Cambodia 14:0010mFT8 
K1OKS K2DS United States - United States 14:0020mFT8 
JA3FDK 4X1BQ Japan - Israel 14:0015mFT8 
OH6FSO PA3GOV Finland - Netherlands 14:0020mFT4 
OH6IH US2UM Finland - Ukraine 14:0020mFT4 
IZ4WNP FR4OM Italy - Reunion Is. 14:0010mFT4 
IU7PFX RP79GRO Italy - European Russia 14:0020mFT8 
EA5JCS A52CI Spain - Bhutan 14:0012mFT8 
DC2DC R1IE/1 Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 14:0015mFT8 
ZS5HR W1SAV Republic of South Africa - United States 14:0020mFT8 
F8HJV EA7KPX France - Spain 14:0020mFT8 
W4KN N8CQD United States - United States 14:0030mFT8 
PA0SLA YO4NF Netherlands - Romania 14:0017mFT8 
JG4TNW VK3MR Japan - Australia 14:0017mFT8 
HA5OGR RI0POL Hungary - Asiatic Russia 14:0020mCW 
F5LMJ 2W0KGO France - Wales 14:0020mFT4 
A61QQ BA7LIP United Arab Emirates - China 14:0017mFT8 
BG2DXK BG5IZL China - China 14:0040mFT8 
AM775AT PA3GJK Spain - Netherlands 14:0020mFT4 
PA3GLH RP79MY Netherlands - European Russia 14:0015mCW 
OT4R 5P5LI Belgium - Denmark 14:0040mFT8 
R4IQ UA9YAD European Russia - Asiatic Russia 14:0020MJT65 
SP5PDA R0AJS Poland - Asiatic Russia 14:0017mFT8 
IT9FEG IQ7DV Italy - Italy 14:0040mRTTY 
R9SS RP79H Asiatic Russia - European Russia 14:0020MCW 
R5GG UA3RBD European Russia - European Russia 14:0040MSSB 
UA3GJM RP79SE European Russia - European Russia 14:0040MFT8 
YB7UFI SP1TJ Indonesia - Poland 14:0012mFT8 
R0AJS LZ4VR Asiatic Russia - Bulgaria 14:0017MFT8 
EA7JHC YB1BML Spain - Indonesia 13:5910mFT8 
F1TRF J79WTA France - Dominica 13:5915mFT8 
S57AM OJ0T Slovenia - Market Reef 13:5920mFT8 
OH6IH M6JZN Finland - England 13:5920mFT4 
IZ3NUI CT2GQN Italy - Portugal 13:5920mFT4 
ZS6CVL OD5KU Republic of South Africa - Lebanon 13:5910mFT8 
C21TS JR6EKM Nauru - Japan 13:5915mFT8 
YB6DE JG6MDN Indonesia - Japan 13:5920mFT8 
F4CWQ GB2CQD France - England 13:5930mFT8 
HB9HWY OE2024EM Switzerland - Austria 13:5940mFT8 
R1BLH XU7GNY European Russia - Cambodia 13:5915mFT8 
IU8BPS LY2VS Italy - Lithuania 13:5920mFT8 
IU7PFX RP79AF Italy - European Russia 13:5920mFT8 
W8RTJ W3BAY United States - United States 13:5940mLSB 
YC4AEW YC1CAE Indonesia - Indonesia 13:5940mFT8 
SP6SOZ R6AM Poland - European Russia 13:5920mFT8 
BD4RHV YC3BWK China - Indonesia 13:596mFT8 
F8HJV LZ2VQ France - Bulgaria 13:5920mFT8 
A61QQ XU7GNY United Arab Emirates - Cambodia 13:5917mFT8 
KG4OJT WA4HWN United States - United States 13:5917mFT8 
AM775AT PA3GOV Spain - Netherlands 13:5920mFT4 
WA3BM W3WKD United States - United States 13:5940mLSB 
R5GG UB4FGK European Russia - European Russia 13:5940MSSB 
G7SQC YB1OVY England - Indonesia 13:5912mFT8 
UA3AIU RP79WN European Russia - European Russia 13:5920MCW 
AM175DD DL7DJ Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5920MFT8 
PY5XT IU7JAQ Brazil - Italy 13:5910MFT8 
UT0IW TF2MSN Ukraine - Iceland 13:5912MFT8 
R9AAB R6HC Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5920MSSB 
R5GG UA3RBD European Russia - European Russia 13:5940MSSB 
YB7UFI JM1ANA Indonesia - Japan 13:5912mFT8 
F5MXH A65D France - United Arab Emirates 13:5912MFT8 
R0AJS RP79AOS Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5917MFT8 
UV5ETX II3GM Ukraine - Italy 13:5820MFT4 
PA3BZY R2EA Netherlands - European Russia 13:5817mFT8 
SQ5MTG TA2BZ Poland - Turkey 13:5820mFT8 
IU4OQF DU3CQ Italy - Philippines 13:5810mFT8 
BH4QJE BG3IZM China - China 13:5840mFT8 
2E0INN RV6F England - European Russia 13:5817mFT8 
IK4LFI 7Q6M Italy - Malawi 13:5810mFT8 
PA0SLA ZF2OO Netherlands - Cayman Islands 13:5817mFT8 
EB4GIA OM7ASP Spain - Slovak Republic 13:5815mFT8 
PA3AGN RP79MD Netherlands - European Russia 13:5815mFT8 
BG2DXK BG4EVK China - China 13:5840mFT8 
IU8BPS YO8XDE Italy - Romania 13:5820mFT8 
G4BHE F5OYA/P England - France 13:5815mFT8 
BH4QJE JQ1VVM China - Japan 13:5840mFT8 
G0JNH SP3DOF England - Poland 13:5817mFT8 
W1ATB DS4FWI United States - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 13:5830mFT8 
K2AK K1NDU United States - United States 13:5820mFT8 
IK7HDY J79WTA Italy - Dominica 13:5815mFT8 
IZ3XEF OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 13:5817mFT8 
IU1CYA YR95CC Italy - Romania 13:5820mFT8 
DK4RH RP79KO Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 13:5820mFT8 
BA6KC JR4FYW China - Japan 13:5880mFT8 
R9SS RP79T Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5820MCW 
HA7NB PA3GOV Hungary - Netherlands 13:5820MFT4 
UA3GJM RP79SO European Russia - European Russia 13:5840MFT8 
IK4IDF SP3ATB/P Italy - Poland 13:5840mSSB 
SP5PDA F5NNN Poland - France 13:5817mFT8 
AM775AT SP6DVP Spain - Poland 13:5820mFT4 
G7SQC A52CI England - Bhutan 13:5812mFT8 
UA3AIU RP79YT European Russia - European Russia 13:5820MSSB 
R9AAB UA3QJT Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5820MSSB 
PY5XT SV4DCQ Brazil - Greece 13:5810MFT8 
R0AJS RP79KM Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 13:5817MFT8 
RM3DA RP79MG European Russia - European Russia 13:5817MFT8 
ON4VT EK/RX3DPK Belgium - Armenia 13:5713cmFT8 
SV3SFJ 2E0WMP Greece - England 13:5715mSSB 
AC9IR K2TL United States - United States 13:5720mFT8 
F4FTI SP6EA France - Poland 13:5720mFT8 
PP5HR IK2WRO Brazil - Italy 13:5710mFT8 
N9YNG WD8DKY United States - United States 13:5720mFT8 
PA3CPS WF4F Netherlands - United States 13:5717mFT8 
F4CWQ DL1ABI France - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5730mFT8 
I1PUN OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 13:5720mFT8 
F4ACR CS2GPDX France - Portugal 13:5720mUSB 
JF3SFK BA7LIP Japan - China 13:5717mFT8 
OE7KRJ CX3VB Austria - Uruguay 13:5710mFT8 
IK2QEB R9OY Italy - Asiatic Russia 13:5710MFT8 
BG2IHF JI1NJC China - Japan 13:5740mFT8 
MW0SGU F8AWF Wales - France 13:5710mFT8 
VU3WAW YB4IJZ India - Indonesia 13:5715MFT8 
IT9FEG PA3GOV Italy - Netherlands 13:5720mFT4 
G1NFT YC1FYL England - Indonesia 13:5710mFT8 
IU1CYA 5P7F Italy - Denmark 13:5720mFT8 
R9SS RP79WN Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5720MCW 
R5GG UA3UNL European Russia - European Russia 13:5740MSSB 
AM775AT G3RLX Spain - England 13:5720mFT4 
F4FSY LZ4UA France - Bulgaria 13:5720mFT4 
PA3GLH RP79IW Netherlands - European Russia 13:5717mCW 
RU3OZ RP79SE European Russia - European Russia 13:5740MFT8 
EA8TL HI8MLV Canary Is. - Dominican Rep. 13:5710mFT8 
PA3WB YB2BAJ Netherlands - Indonesia 13:5710mFT8 
UT0IW YB4PDT Ukraine - Indonesia 13:5712MFT8 
ZS2EZ JF2JRD Republic of South Africa - Japan 13:5612MFT8 
IZ3NUI M6JNZ Italy - England 13:5620mFT4 
IZ4WNP BD4UN Italy - China 13:5615mFT8 
BD4UJ RP79ZKS China - European Russia 13:5620mFT8 
IU7PFX RA9LL Italy - Asiatic Russia 13:5620mFT8 
F1DSZ NP4EB France - Puerto Rico 13:5612mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP HC2EP Brazil - Ecuador 13:5612MFT8 
OT4R PD5DLB Belgium - Netherlands 13:5640mFT8 
OH6IH PA3GOV Finland - Netherlands 13:5620mFT4 
ON7NQ OJ0T Belgium - Market Reef 13:5620mFT8 
G8LRS YO8WRC England - Romania 13:5617mFT8 
KD9UAD NP4JL United States - United States 13:5620mFT8 
BD4UN IZ4WNP China - Italy 13:5615mFT8 
OM5TX SP3ATB/P Slovak Republic - Poland 13:5640mLSB 
LW7ESL ZS1IB Argentina - Republic of South Africa 13:5612MFT8 
SV1SSL 3D2CCC Greece - Fiji 13:5617mFT8 
KC1NJC K2AK United States - United States 13:5620mFT8 
K2AK KC1NJC United States - United States 13:5620mFT8 
ZS2EZ JH7AUL Republic of South Africa - Japan 13:5612MFT8 
HB9VKL YO8RQP Switzerland - Romania 13:5620mFT8 
F1DXP LY1MG France - Lithuania 13:5617mFT8 
IU0KNS IZ7FLN Italy - Italy 13:5640mFT8 
ZS1IB LW7ESL Republic of South Africa - Argentina 13:5612mFT8 
AA4WX CO3LY United States - Cuba 13:5615mFT8 
R9SS RP79KP Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5620MCW 
IT9FEG II3GM Italy - Italy 13:5620mFT4 
RN3RFZ RZ9SZ/M European Russia - Asiatic Russia 13:5630MCW 
AM175DD IU8BPS Spain - Italy 13:5620MFT8 
PY5XT IK0WMM Brazil - Italy 13:5610MFT8 
SP5LAG SP9KJU/P Poland - Poland 13:5640mLSB 
RU3OZ RP79SO European Russia - European Russia 13:5640MFT8 
UA3GJM EV79M European Russia - Belarus 13:5630MFT8 
IU5KWL IZ7FLN Italy - Italy 13:5640mFT8 
R0AJS RP79MG Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5617MFT8 
UV5ETX OK1AYM Ukraine - Czech Republic 13:5520MFT4 
IK6IHU OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 13:5517mFT8 
WA3BM K3YUB United States - United States 13:5540mLSB 
OK1TRJ 3D2CCC Czech Republic - Conway Reef 13:5515mFT8 
IK4LFI 7Q7JN Italy - Malawi 13:5510mFT8 
IU3IIZ DG2EBG Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5540mFT8 
OH6IH M1APC Finland - England 13:5520mFT4 
IK5FKF II4SEAS Italy - Italy 13:5540mFT8 
BG4UQX JK8VMB China - Japan 13:5540mFT8 
IU7PFX SA6JAB Italy - Sweden 13:5520mFT8 
G0JNH E70A England - Bosnia-Herzegovina 13:5517mFT8 
W9RSM OH3OJ United States - Finland 13:5517mFT8 
IU8BPS AM175DD Italy - Spain 13:5520mFT8 
BA7LUI BG2EWI China - China 13:5515mFT8 
YC4AEW YC1KJP Indonesia - Indonesia 13:5540mFT8 
A61QQ JK7ATC United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:5517mFT8 
ON2EA EK/RX3DPK Belgium - Armenia 13:5512mFT8 
PT2AP XU7GNY Brazil - Cambodia 13:5510mFT8 
KE1AF N8CQD United States - United States 13:5530mFT8 
G1NFT YD7AKW England - Indonesia 13:5510mFT8 
OE7KRJ PU5FLP Austria - Brazil 13:5510mFT8 
ZS2EZ JF2PKP Republic of South Africa - Japan 13:5512MFT8 
BG2DIH BD8CAT China - China 13:5515mFT8 
IU8BPS OZ3KK Italy - Denmark 13:5520mFT8 
IU1CYA RP79KO Italy - European Russia 13:5520mFT8 
KD9LON W8MAF United States - United States 13:5540mFT8 
R9AAB UR4MQD Asiatic Russia - Ukraine 13:5520MSSB 
F4BAL LA4YGA France - Norway 13:5530MFT8 
R2BGT RP79J European Russia - European Russia 13:5530MFT8 
OH6FSO OE6OCG Finland - Austria 13:5520mFT4 
W0RIC ZS1AFS United States - Republic of South Africa 13:5520mUSB 
R5GG UB3TAG European Russia - European Russia 13:5540MSSB 
MI0NUM PA0ARR Northern Ireland - Netherlands 13:5540mFT8 
RM3DA YB8CP European Russia - Indonesia 13:5517MFT8 
F5MXH NP4EB France - Puerto Rico 13:5512MFT8 
SV3SFJ MI0ITS/P Greece - Northern Ireland 13:5515mSSB 
BH4XBU SP9UPH China - Poland 13:5510mFT8 
UV5ETX SQ6EMJ Ukraine - Poland 13:5420MFT4 
PA4ARP F6GSI Netherlands - France 13:5420mPSK31 
HA8DG UA3XO Hungary - European Russia 13:5420mJT65 
IZ3NUI LZ4UA Italy - Bulgaria 13:5420mFT4 
IZ4WNP J79WTA Italy - Dominica 13:5415mFT8 
F1DSZ KP4MAQ France - Puerto Rico 13:5412mFT8 
LU6DTJ IC8CUQ Argentina - Italy 13:5410mFT8 
ZS1IB JM1ANA Republic of South Africa - Japan 13:5412mFT8 
BG2GI YB7LXI China - Indonesia 13:5440mFT8 
PD2NBE PA3CTA Netherlands - Netherlands 13:542mFT8 
F4CWQ GS3PYE France - Scotland 13:5430mFT8 
EA4ETF PA4I Spain - Netherlands 13:5415mFT8 
OZ2BX YB2BAJ Denmark - Indonesia 13:5410mFT8 
IU0OCI 3D2CCC Italy - Fiji 13:5415mFT8 
HB9VKL SQ5JBL Switzerland - Poland 13:5420mFT8 
IU3IIZ IZ5GSF Italy - Italy 13:5440mFT8 
SP5PDA IT9HLR Poland - Italy 13:5417mFT8 
AM175DD IU1CYA Spain - Italy 13:5420MFT8 
BG2ATH YB9GAN China - Indonesia 13:5420mFT8 
ON7DY M1APC Belgium - England 13:5420mFT4 
R9AAB R6DJE Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5420MSSB 
AM775AT OK1AYM Spain - Czech Republic 13:5420mFT4 
IK4DRY M0SNZ Italy - England 13:5470cmPKT 
R5GG R3UBJ European Russia - European Russia 13:5440MSSB 
PG5V HA5OW Netherlands - Hungary 13:5430mFT4 
IU1CYA AM175DD Italy - Spain 13:5420mFT8 
PA3WB YC1JEL Netherlands - Indonesia 13:5410mFT8 
PU2TXZ SQ3LMR Brazil - Poland 13:5410mFT4 
PT2AP DJ1AA Brazil - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5410mFT8 
ON7DY OH6IH Belgium - Finland 13:5420mFT4 
R4IQ RP79FA European Russia - European Russia 13:5430MCW 
TG9ANF W5CHA Guatemala - United States 13:5420mFT4 
PY5XT IU7GTP Brazil - Italy 13:5410MFT8 
EI3CTB RP79BR Ireland - European Russia 13:5320mFT8 
ON3MOH M0TNI/P Belgium - England 13:5340mLSB 
OH6IH ON7DY Finland - Belgium 13:5320mFT4 
IU0KNS I8KRC Italy - Italy 13:5340mFT8 
WA3BM K3UFM United States - United States 13:5340mLSB 
GM4SUF R9OAE Scotland - Asiatic Russia 13:5315mFT8 
JF3SFK JH5HDA Japan - Japan 13:5317mFT8 
PP5HR F1DSZ Brazil - France 13:5310mFT8 
BH4XBU OM3CND China - Slovak Republic 13:5310mFT8 
G0JNH F1IQH England - France 13:5317mFT8 
ZS1IB RX3RZ Republic of South Africa - European Russia 13:5312mFT8 
K6SKI KC9BK United States - United States 13:5320mFT8 
F1DSZ PP5HR France - Brazil 13:5312mFT8 
IU7GTP PY5XT Italy - Brazil 13:5310mFT8 
A61QQ AO675SK United Arab Emirates - Balearic Is. 13:5317mFT8 
IZ8VYU R1BDB Italy - European Russia 13:5315mFT8 
MW0SGU 9A4AA Wales - Croatia 13:5310mFT8 
IT9FEG IU0KNS Italy - Italy 13:5340mFT8 
IU0KNS IT9FEG Italy - Italy 13:5340mFT8 
IU8BPS CT1EEX Italy - Portugal 13:5320mFT8 
PA0SLA YO4NT Netherlands - Romania 13:5317mFT8 
UA9YAD R2APK Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:5320MJT65 
PA3GLH RV1CC/M Netherlands - European Russia 13:5317mCW 
MI0NUM CS2GPDX Northern Ireland - Portugal 13:5320mUSB 
K2TL KB9S United States - United States 13:5320mFT8 
BG2IHF BI3QIY China - China 13:5340mFT8 
RN3RFZ RP79RF European Russia - European Russia 13:5315MSSB 
UA3GJM RP79GT European Russia - European Russia 13:5330MFT8 
R5GG RV3MJ European Russia - European Russia 13:5340MSSB 
UA6LVI IK2ILW European Russia - Italy 13:5315MFT8 
PA3WB YB1CGX Netherlands - Indonesia 13:5310mFT8 
EA8TL ZS6CVL Canary Is. - Republic of South Africa 13:5310mFT8 
RD3ZQ RP79T European Russia - European Russia 13:5320MFT8 
OT4R DL1ABI Belgium - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5240mFT8 
N9YNG VE3QAC United States - Canada 13:5240mFT8 
ZS6CVL EA8TL Republic of South Africa - Canary Is. 13:5210mFT8 
C21TS BD8CAT Nauru - China 13:5215mFT8 
PP5TG WK0I Brazil - United States 13:5210mFT8 
ZS2EZ YB4KAR Republic of South Africa - Indonesia 13:5212MFT8 
IK4RSR OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 13:5215mFT8 
DL6KA SP7MTW Fed. Republic of Germany - Poland 13:5230mFT8 
PA9S DU3CQ Netherlands - Philippines 13:5210mFT8 
OZ2BX YB1BML Denmark - Indonesia 13:5210mFT8 
BH4QJE JP3VXF China - Japan 13:5240mFT8 
ZS1IB ZS6WN Republic of South Africa - Republic of South Africa 13:5212mFT8 
K6IRK K7EA United States - United States 13:5220mFT8 
IU8RRM 5P5LI Italy - Denmark 13:5220mUSB 
AM175DD DH5BO Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5220MFT8 
N7FN WA8TOD United States - United States 13:5220mFT8 
IU0PVM OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 13:5217mFT8 
KE1AF KN4B United States - United States 13:5230mFT8 
R3BP RP79MMK European Russia - European Russia 13:5220MSSB 
PU2TXZ RA6YDX Brazil - European Russia 13:5210mFT4 
OP4K PU2PPD Belgium - Brazil 13:5212mFT8 
F5MXH PU1NIO France - Brazil 13:5212MFT8 
RN3RFZ RP79VK European Russia - European Russia 13:5240MSSB 
M3OZP RU3DUA England - European Russia 13:5215mFT8 
TG9ANF WB9ZPY Guatemala - United States 13:5220mFT4 
PA3WB YB1HR Netherlands - Indonesia 13:5210mFT8 
YO2LZZ F4BJN Romania - France 13:5130mFT8 
OH6IH EA1HT Finland - Spain 13:5120mFT4 
LU4DIS SP1TJ Argentina - Poland 13:5110mFT8 
F5LMJ 7X3WPL France - Algeria 13:5120mFT4 
PA0SLA K1NH Netherlands - United States 13:5117mFT8 
OZ3LFG YO4NT Denmark - Romania 13:5117mFT8 
JF3SFK UT7UJ Japan - Ukraine 13:5117mFT8 
A61QQ JH7AUL United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:5117mFT8 
PA9S PA5DX Netherlands - Netherlands 13:5110mFT8 
JN4GIS JL1AJV Japan - Japan 13:5140mFT8 
SP9FTK XU7GNY Poland - Cambodia 13:5110mFT8 
KD9UAD AJ4OA United States - United States 13:5120mFT8 
DO7SHN UA3SNB Fed. Republic of Germany - European Russia 13:5115mFT8 
AM775AT HA5OW Spain - Hungary 13:5120mFT4 
IK2QEB RP79U Italy - European Russia 13:5117MFT8 
PU2TXZ SP4TXI Brazil - Poland 13:5110mFT4 
PA3CPS DL1ABI Netherlands - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5140mFT8 
BH4QJE JG6RLI China - Japan 13:5140mFT8 
IK4DRY KP4DGW Italy - Puerto Rico 13:5170cmPKT 
LU4DIS DK1MAX Argentina - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5110mFT8 
A61QQ JE2RMH United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:5117mFT8 
BG8GAM SP7IWA China - Poland 13:5112mFT8 
F4FSY RP79X France - European Russia 13:5115mFT8 
R2BGT RP79TG European Russia - European Russia 13:5130MFT8 
R0AJS RU9UC Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 13:5115MFT8 
RM3DA RP79MY European Russia - European Russia 13:5117MFT8 
TG9ANF KW7E Guatemala - United States 13:5120mFT4 
R3DHH F5PIO European Russia - France 13:5115MFT8 
F4BAL DM6KW France - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5130MFT8 
RN3RFZ RP79RK European Russia - European Russia 13:5140MSSB 
RU3OZ RA3DNC European Russia - European Russia 13:5140MFT8 
UV5ETX DH6BH Ukraine - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5020MFT4 
YO2LZZ IK6RHT Romania - Italy 13:5030mFT8 
IT9XTP 3D2CCC Italy - Fiji 13:5017mFT8 
HA8DG RA3LJ Hungary - European Russia 13:5020mJT65 
EA3HMM BI1FJK Spain - China 13:5015mFT8 
F4FTI DK9LF France - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5020mFT8 
SQ5MTG RW4D Poland - European Russia 13:5020mFT8 
ZS6CVL IU5CYS Republic of South Africa - Italy 13:5010mFT8 
IZ8EFD 3D2CCC Italy - Conway Reef 13:5015mFT8 
G4SEN TR8CA England - Gabon 13:5012mCW 
BG2DXK YB3CUG China - Indonesia 13:5020mFT4 
OE3KJO SV2HTW Austria - Greece 13:5040mFT8 
K5UHF WC0W United States - United States 13:5010mFT8 
OH6IH JH8JWF Finland - Japan 13:5020mFT4 
IU7PFX RP79BR Italy - European Russia 13:5020mFT8 
OZ3LFG ZF2OO Denmark - Cayman Islands 13:5017mFT8 
BG4UQX JE3USO China - Japan 13:5040mFT8 
SY2APF M1DBW Greece - England 13:5015mFT8 
EA7CJK RP79KZG Spain - European Russia 13:5020mCW 
PT2AP R5BD Brazil - European Russia 13:5010mFT8 
IU3IIZ F1DSZ Italy - France 13:5040mFT8 
IZ0ZAD 3D2CCC Italy - Conway Reef 13:5015mFT8 
OH7DFM DL8VS Finland - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:5020mFT8 
W1ATB VR2ZXP United States - Hong Kong 13:5030mFT8 
M0PMO IT9VCE England - Italy 13:5017mFT8 
R9AAB RI0POL Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 13:5020MCW 
A61QQ JR6EKM United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:5017mFT8 
F5MXH JG6SRB France - Japan 13:5012MFT8 
RN3RFZ RP79DD European Russia - European Russia 13:5020MSSB 
BH3EIW F6DZU China - France 13:4915mFT8 
EI3CTB OH2FT Ireland - Finland 13:4920mFT8 
IW9HMQ BD6RN Italy - China 13:4915mFT8 
IU4OQF 3D2CCC Italy - Conway Reef 13:4910mFT8 
IU4RWI 7Z1IS Italy - Saudi Arabia 13:4910mFT8 
2E0INN UA1ZFL England - European Russia 13:4917mFT8 
IU8CNE AO775Z Italy - Spain 13:4915mFT8 
F1DSZ IU3IIZ France - Italy 13:4940mFT8 
PP5HR OH8NV Brazil - Finland 13:4910mFT8 
ON8BB UA8CAD Belgium - Asiatic Russia 13:4917mFT8 
PA3WB YB1CGX Netherlands - Indonesia 13:4910mFT8 
SP7JDI AO375M Poland - Spain 13:4920mCW 
JF3SFK YO4NT Japan - Romania 13:4917mFT8 
K2AK W3IUS United States - United States 13:4920mFT8 
BG8GAM AM775R China - Spain 13:4912mFT8 
BG1LYZ 3D2CCC China - Fiji 13:4920mFT8 
YC1IVW JM1ANA Indonesia - Japan 13:4915mFT8 
BH8VRO F4FDR China - France 13:4915mFT8 
AM775AT EA8COX Spain - Canary Is. 13:4920mFT4 
PA0SLA F5NNN Netherlands - France 13:4917mFT8 
BG2GI BG2IHF China - China 13:4940mFT8 
K6SKI W5TSU United States - United States 13:4920mFT8 
F4BAL II5CECI France - Italy 13:4930MFT8 
UA9YAD JA6AVT Asiatic Russia - Japan 13:4920MJT65 
EA7CJK RP79WN Spain - European Russia 13:4920mCW 
TG9ANF US8UA Guatemala - Ukraine 13:4920mFT4 
A61QQ JA0FVU United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:4917mFT8 
KE1AF AE0SQ United States - United States 13:4930mFT8 
BG2IHF BG2GI China - China 13:4940mFT8 
SP5LEON SQ5GLB/2 Poland - Poland 13:4920MUSB 
R4IQ RP79PT European Russia - European Russia 13:4930MCW 
AM775AT IK3ZQY Spain - Italy 13:4920mFT4 
R0AJS RP79GO Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:4915MFT8 
R5GG R2BHI European Russia - European Russia 13:4940MSSB 
UA3AIU AO375M European Russia - Spain 13:4920MCW 
IU5KWL IT9FEG Italy - Italy 13:4940mFT8 
YB7UFI CT1HMN Indonesia - Portugal 13:4912mFT8 
AM175DD HA5OW Spain - Hungary 13:4920MFT8 
UN7PME RP79KG Kazakhstan - European Russia 13:4815MFT8 
E25CRF OJ0T Thailand - Market Reef 13:4820mFT8 
OR4U IT9PQJ Belgium - Italy 13:4817mUSB 
EA1HMT OJ0T Spain - Market Reef 13:4815mFT8 
ZS6CVL EA3DVP Republic of South Africa - Spain 13:4810mFT8 
PP5TG OK1VKQ Brazil - Czech Republic 13:4810mFT8 
F1DXP K1NH France - United States 13:4817mFT8 
G1NFT YC1JEL England - Indonesia 13:4810mFT8 
PT2AP XU7GNY Brazil - Cambodia 13:4810mFT8 
IK2QEB RP79ZAM Italy - European Russia 13:4817MFT8 
EB4GIA RU9UC Spain - Asiatic Russia 13:4815mFT8 
F1DSZ ON9KAT France - Belgium 13:4840mFT8 
OH9FOXI OH2HT/P Finland - Finland 13:4840mLSB 
ON8BB R9YCP Belgium - Asiatic Russia 13:4817mFT8 
OE7KRJ PU9FSO Austria - Brazil 13:4810mFT8 
BG2DIH BG8KUQ China - China 13:4815mFT8 
W1ATB XU7GNY United States - Cambodia 13:4830mFT8 
BG8GAM RP79KP China - European Russia 13:4812mFT8 
OH6FSO LZ4UA Finland - Bulgaria 13:4820mFT4 
MM7NSY II3GM Scotland - Italy 13:4820mFT4 
PA3WB JT1CO Netherlands - Mongolia 13:4810mFT8 
A61QQ JA1WZM United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:4817mFT8 
F4FSY RP79MD France - European Russia 13:4815mFT8 
R3BP R9DV European Russia - Asiatic Russia 13:4820MSSB 
F5MXH YB7CCP France - Indonesia 13:4812MFT8 
R2BGT EV79M European Russia - Belarus 13:4830MFT8 
R3BP RP79TT European Russia - European Russia 13:4820MSSB 
PU2TXZ IZ3ATV Brazil - Italy 13:4810mFT4 
ON7DY OH6FSO Belgium - Finland 13:4820mFT4 
RM3DA RP79KM European Russia - Asiatic Russia 13:4817MFT8 
R0AJS G0JHC Asiatic Russia - England 13:4815MFT8 
UA3AIU RP79RF European Russia - European Russia 13:4815MSSB 
AM175DD ON4AUB Spain - Belgium 13:4820MFT8 
RN3RFZ RP79PT European Russia - European Russia 13:4830MCW 
EI3CTB SP9DTE Ireland - Poland 13:4720mFT8 
IK6OIN OJ0T Italy - Market Reef 13:4720mFT8 
AC9IR N1PPP United States - United States 13:4730mFT8 
BG2ELG JA0TSK China - Japan 13:472mFM 
BG2ELG BG2LIQ China - China 13:472mFM 
KB3TAW YC9RRR United States - Indonesia 13:4720MFT8 
M0XXJ PA0ARR England - Netherlands 13:4740mFT8 
OZ6YN ZF2OO Denmark - Cayman Islands 13:4717mFT8 
SP7JDI AO175ANB Poland - Spain 13:4717mCW 
S57ZS YB1CYO Slovenia - Indonesia 13:4710mFT8 
IT9FEG IU5KWL Italy - Italy 13:4740mFT8 
IU5PSY G3DBI Italy - England 13:4710MFT8 
PA3CPS BI8AO Netherlands - China 13:4710mFT8 
IT9PQJ OR4U Italy - Belgium 13:4720mSSB 
VE3PP K3NF Canada - United States 13:4740mFT8 
G1NFT YB1CGX England - Indonesia 13:4710mFT8 
BG4UQX RP79V China - European Russia 13:4740mFT8 
JN4GIS JH7TFT Japan - Japan 13:4740mFT8 
OH6FSO ON7DY Finland - Belgium 13:4720mFT4 
BH4QJE BG5BJD China - China 13:4740mFT8 
IZ8VYU JL2PIN Italy - Japan 13:4715mFT8 
K2AK KQ4LOI United States - United States 13:4720mFT8 
IU5KWL IZ0BVU Italy - Italy 13:4740mFT8 
SP5PDA RP79I Poland - European Russia 13:4717mFT8 
YB7UFI SP5WZ Indonesia - Poland 13:4712mFT8 
PY5XT DH8HHA Brazil - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4710MFT8 
PU2TXZ FR4OM Brazil - Reunion Is. 13:4710mFT4 
R5GG R4ZZ European Russia - European Russia 13:4740MSSB 
R3BP RP79AN European Russia - European Russia 13:4720MSSB 
UY3LV SP5DFK/QRP Ukraine - Poland 13:4720MFT4 
TG9ANF W8WCL Guatemala - United States 13:4720mFT4 
R0AJS R3DDS Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:4715MFT8 
UV5ETX OE6OCG Ukraine - Austria 13:4620MFT4 
PA4ARP SV9RMU Netherlands - Crete 13:4620mPSK31 
IW9HMQ LA/OS4K Italy - Norway 13:4615mFT8 
LU4DIS DK1MAX Argentina - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4610mFT8 
F4FTI TA4EGI France - Turkey 13:4620mFT8 
OH6IH YB3CUG Finland - Indonesia 13:4620mFT4 
F4ACR CR2GPDX France - Azores 13:4620mFT8 
BH4FSK/QRP BI1PFM China - China 13:4620mFT8 
A61QQ JA6JYN United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:4617mFT8 
BI4UEC BI1PFM China - China 13:4620mFT8 
OE7KRJ CD6SNT Austria - Chile 13:4610mFT8 
EB2EMZ GB4LD Spain - England 13:4640MFT8 
BH4XBU SP9UPH China - Poland 13:4610mFT8 
DL6KA OZ7BFC Fed. Republic of Germany - Denmark 13:4630mFT8 
OM5TX SP9KJU/P Slovak Republic - Poland 13:4640mLSB 
PA9S JT1CO Netherlands - Mongolia 13:4610mFT8 
OH1EDK YD1FRU Finland - Indonesia 13:4610mFT8 
3Z0E SQ5GLB/2 Poland - Poland 13:4640mLSB 
BG2DXK RP79ATX China - European Russia 13:4620mFT4 
BH4BNQ IK6FWJ China - Italy 13:4612mFT8 
PU1JQY VP8NO Brazil - Falkland Is. 13:4610mFT8 
K1VK E75W United States - Bosnia-Herzegovina 13:4615mFT8 
ON7DY CT3MD Belgium - Madeira Is. 13:4620mFT4 
PU2TXZ MM0CEZ Brazil - Scotland 13:4610mFT4 
PA3GLH RP79TF Netherlands - European Russia 13:4615mCW 
IK2QEB RP79WA Italy - European Russia 13:4617MFT8 
EA3EA KP4DGW Spain - Puerto Rico 13:4670CMPKT 
MM7NSY DM6ME Scotland - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4620mFT4 
TG9ANF WD8DKY Guatemala - United States 13:4620mFT4 
F4BAL SP7MTW France - Poland 13:4630MFT8 
RA9AJ RK3AW/M Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:4615MCW 
F5MXH IK6FWJ France - Italy 13:4612MFT8 
SV9CAF IZ3ZOF Crete - Italy 13:4520mPSK31 
G7SXR RP79RF England - European Russia 13:4515mUSB 
WA3BM KA1VDV United States - United States 13:4540mLSB 
M0XXJ IV3VFP England - Italy 13:4540mFT8 
BI4JJO 3D2CCC China - Fiji 13:4520mFT8 
C21TS SP9GLJ Nauru - Poland 13:4515mFT8 
BD4UJ RP79TOF China - European Russia 13:4520mFT8 
IZ8VYU JH2XJV Italy - Japan 13:4515mFT8 
IU7PFX CT1EEX Italy - Portugal 13:4520mFT8 
IT9PQJ YR95AR Italy - Romania 13:4520mSSB 
LU4DIS SV5AZK Argentina - Dodecanese 13:4510mFT8 
KC1NJC NZ1J United States - United States 13:4530mFT8 
A61QQ JA2ANX United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:4517mFT8 
PD0RWH CR2GPDX Netherlands - Azores 13:4520mFT8 
IT9FEG II4SEAS Italy - Italy 13:4540mFT8 
OE7KRJ PU3POE Austria - Brazil 13:4510mFT8 
BG8GAM RP79GO China - European Russia 13:4515mFT8 
WA3BM K1FRC United States - United States 13:4540mLSB 
MM7NSY IK0CHU Scotland - Italy 13:4520mFT4 
EA4ETF KI8JP Spain - United States 13:4515mFT8 
RV9UAF RP79SF Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:4517MFT8 
MM7NSY LZ4UA Scotland - Bulgaria 13:4520mFT4 
F4BAL DL6KA France - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4530MFT8 
HA7NB UB6HJZ Hungary - European Russia 13:4520MFT4 
DL7UST DL100FK Fed. Republic of Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4540mCW 
TG9ANF WB8YJF Guatemala - United States 13:4520mFT4 
UV5ETX JH8JWF Ukraine - Japan 13:4420MFT4 
SP4TB SQ5GLB/2 Poland - Poland 13:4440MSSB 
PP5HR IK4LZH Brazil - Italy 13:4410mFT8 
JI1NNE IQ1BK Japan - Italy 13:4415mFT8 
2E0INN RP79MY England - European Russia 13:4417mFT8 
IK6VEM 7Q7JN Italy - Malawi 13:4410mFT8 
F6CSR JG4AKL France - Japan 13:4417mFT4 
EA7CJK RP79UAI Spain - European Russia 13:4420mCW 
SP7JDI RP79IZ Poland - European Russia 13:4417mCW 
IT9JVF LZ4UA Italy - Bulgaria 13:4420mFT4 
N9YNG KC9DK United States - United States 13:4420mFT8 
GM4SUF UA1RC Scotland - European Russia 13:4415mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP EI3EBB Brazil - Ireland 13:4412MFT8 
F4FXH YT5T France - Serbia 13:4420mUSB 
G1NFT YE3CIF England - Indonesia 13:4410mFT8 
M7FGZ YD1FRU England - Indonesia 13:4410mFT8 
K1VK YO8RQP United States - Romania 13:4415mFT8 
ZS2EZ PU2PPD Republic of South Africa - Brazil 13:4412MFT8 
F6JUW YB4KAR France - Indonesia 13:4412MFT8 
PA0SLA NM1G Netherlands - United States 13:4417mFT8 
BH8BMZ UA0LQE China - Asiatic Russia 13:4440mFT8 
F6IJT DO1EAT France - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4415mFT8 
ON2BCB IT9HLR Belgium - Italy 13:4417mFT8 
PU2MVE AM375A Brazil - Spain 13:4415mFT8 
TG9ANF YF3AWZ Guatemala - Indonesia 13:4420mFT4 
AM775AT G8DQP Spain - England 13:4420mFT4 
A61QQ JH1UXJ United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:4417mFT8 
ON2EA UA3SNB Belgium - European Russia 13:4415mFT4 
US3EW PA3WB Ukraine - Netherlands 13:4417MFT8 
R5GG R2ZCZ European Russia - European Russia 13:4440MSSB 
AM175DD ES6DO Spain - Estonia 13:4420MFT8 
UY3LV IV3SCR Ukraine - Italy 13:4420MFT4 
R4IQ RP79RK European Russia - European Russia 13:4430MCW 
ON7DY RP79ATX Belgium - Asiatic Russia 13:4420mFT4 
RN3RFZ RP79H European Russia - European Russia 13:4420MSSB 
PA3WB US3EW Netherlands - Ukraine 13:4417mFT8 
UV5ETX DM6ME Ukraine - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4320MFT4 
JQ3IRK K7TTK Japan - United States 13:4340mFT8 
UN7PME GI0OKM Kazakhstan - Northern Ireland 13:4315MFT8 
F4IIX RP79X France - European Russia 13:4315mFT8 
PU2TXZ OE3KLU Brazil - Austria 13:4310mFT4 
ZS6CVL F4CZV Republic of South Africa - France 13:4310mFT8 
IZ6BYS JF2PKP Italy - Japan 13:4312mFT8 
DL6KA F4BAL Fed. Republic of Germany - France 13:4330mFT8 
YB7UFI EU2NS Indonesia - Belarus 13:4312mFT8 
LU4DIS SV5AZK Argentina - Dodecanese 13:4310mFT8 
OE3KJO II4SEAS Austria - Italy 13:4340mFT8 
VU3WAW JJ2TFF India - Japan 13:4315MFT8 
BG5UEZ BG2DXK China - China 13:4320mFT4 
SP5PDA AO675SK Poland - Balearic Is. 13:4317mFT8 
PU5IKE/QRP SP7IWA Brazil - Poland 13:4312MFT8 
BG2DXK BG5UEZ China - China 13:4320mFT4 
IZ8VYU BG8KUQ Italy - China 13:4315mFT8 
F5LMJ CT3MD France - Madeira Is. 13:4320mFT4 
PA3GLH RP79CTS Netherlands - European Russia 13:4315mCW 
K2KA VE3YW United States - Canada 13:4340mLSB 
EA4ETF RU3FM Spain - European Russia 13:4315mFT8 
A61QQ JK1KDD United Arab Emirates - Japan 13:4317mFT8 
RU3OZ RP79GT European Russia - European Russia 13:4330MFT8 
ON4CFB US5EAA Belgium - Ukraine 13:4317mFT4 
SV3SFJ GS3PYE Greece - Scotland 13:4320mSSB 
RV9UAF RP79MY Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:4317MFT8 
M3OZP UA3SNB England - European Russia 13:4315mFT4 
RN3RFZ RP79TVM European Russia - European Russia 13:4320MSSB 
RW9UBP RP79SG Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:4320MCW 
R5GG UA9RPR European Russia - Asiatic Russia 13:4340MSSB 
AM175DD M7SUZ Spain - England 13:4320MFT8 
PA3WB YO4NT Netherlands - Romania 13:4317mFT8 
R2BGT RP79KG European Russia - European Russia 13:4320MFT8 
UY3LV MM7NSY Ukraine - Scotland 13:4320MFT4 
UA3AIU RP79TSG European Russia - European Russia 13:4320MCW 
IK4IDF DL2COM Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4330mCW 
TG9ANF KC4RNF Guatemala - United States 13:4320mFT4 

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